Two likable adventurers played by Hill and Spencer against the nasty Joe Bugner , an ex-boxer and big game hunter who dedicates to illegal smuggling . Entertaining and amusing African adventure with several comic touches . This time Terence Hill and Bud Spencer as adventurers in Africa taking on lots of dangers and feats against a group of hoodlums . Thin and blonde man named Slim ( Terence Hill) and stocky , bearded fatty named Tom ( Bud Spencer ) team up again as the valiant duo . The agreeable crew makes a new adventure movie plenty of fist-play , action and entertainment , though only for Hill and Spencer fans . This amusing film deal with ours intimate friends in Africa , they're nowadays two tourist swindlers , the blue-eyes and sympathetic Terence Hill and the grumpy and goofy Bud Spencer . There happens numerous adventures and silly struggles against nasties led by Ormond (Joe Bugner) a wildlife smuggler who takes animals to carry them to abroad menageries.This amusing , engaging movie is crammed of fist-fights , punches , kicks , moving stunt-work , colorful African outdoors and lots of humor . The picture is realized in similar style to ¨Africa Express¨ and ¨Safari Express¨ by Duccio Tessari with Giuliano Gemma . Terence Hill is top-notch as sympathetic freewheeling trader of goods with a dream , to save enough money ; and Bud Spencer is enjoyable in charge of a curious tourism agency ; meanwhile , both of whom taking on a group of smugglers . The lighting-paced storyline slows down at times , but frenetic fight-sequences and fun make up for it , besides includes a chimp getting into mischief , pranks and antics . It's an entertaining romp plenty of brawls , including amusing bounds and leaps . This is a nice and funny juvenile story for Hill and Spencer fans , as they are delightful and likable . It packs action, fist-play, slapdash, humor with tongue-in-cheek and is quite bemusing . This release has some cool and several hilarious moments , adding wonderful African landscapes . The film isn't always good , sometimes is fresh and diverting and on a couple of memorable occasions , it's frankly delicious. The movie displays innumerable laughters , jokes and slapstick . Catching and commercial musical score with marvelous leitmotif by Rizzati in Guido and Maurizio De Angelis style , including some beautiful songs , the first of them sung by Bud Spencer . The motion picture picture is compellingly directed by Italo Zingarelli who produced the Hill-Spencer's greatest hits as ¨They call me Trinity¨ , ¨Trinity is still my name¨ and other Spaghetti as ¨The five man army¨, ¨Johnny Yuma¨ and Peplum as ¨¨The seven Spartans¨, ¨The invincible gladiator ¨, ¨The secret seven¨ , ¨Ursus¨, and several others . This is a passable entertaining juvenile that will appeal to Italian comedy buffs. Rating : Acceptable and passable but only for Hill and Spencer fans.
... View MoreAnother reviewer (robertofuiano) is critical of the critics of this film. In an obviously poor English translation of his native Italian, Mr. Fuiano states that reviewers should judge this film on its own merits and not in comparison to other Terence Hill/Bud Spencer films. That is not easy to do, since fans naturally hope for or expect the same quality film as "They Call Me Trinity," for example."I'm for the Hippopotamus" features pretty much the same Hill-Spencer relationship and the same formula of periodic fistfight scenes played for comedy. In these aspects, it is far inferior to "Trinity," and is surely a disappointment.However, even apart from comparison to "Trinity," "Hippopotamus" suffers from a terrible, stupid script, poor character development and bad direction. It is a cheesy, sophomoric film. Maybe it would be entertaining after a few beers, but not for anyone who is seeking a worthwhile way to spend a couple of hours.Now back to the comparisons: I am slowly wading my way through the entire Terence Hill/Bud Spencer collection, and I have many more films to go through. Thus far, I have found only "They Call Me Trinity," "My Name is Nobody," and the "Don Matteo" TV series to be worth a repeat viewing. "Blackie the Pirate," surprisingly, might make that short list, too; a little lower on the list (maybe worthy of watching on a totally boring evening) would be "Trinity is Still My Name," "Lucky Luke," and "The Troublemakers." After seeing real dogs like "Boot Hill," "Who Finds a Friend Finds a Treasure," and this film, I am becoming concerned that it's pretty much downhill from here.As for Mr. Fuiano, I think it is fair to say that standards of comedy are different from country to country. British humor is different from American humor, and I'm sure Italians are entertained by things that Americans might find droll. So I do respect that another perspective from another culture might disagree with my very American point of view.
... View MoreThe Hill & Spencer movies were never famous for their brilliant stories, but this one doesn't even make an effort. Plotless, slow-paced, boring and only occasionally amusing, it feels like a film that was made out of obligation, rather than like something that the stars and the filmmakers put their hearts in. At least with its animal-friendly messages you could say it's good for kids, but no - they'll be as bored with it as anyone else. (**)
... View MoreThis is fairly standard Hill/Spencer stuff, except for the fact that Joe Bugner (the former British, Commonwealth, European and Australian Heavyweight champion) plays the part of the villain. The film is worth watching simply for Joe's fantastic acting and South African accent. As expected in Hill/Spencer films, Joe gets beaten up in the end with the usual variety of kitchen utensils and everything ends up happily ever after.
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