Humans vs Zombies
Humans vs Zombies
NR | 11 November 2011 (USA)
Humans vs Zombies Trailers

Students on summer break are exposed to a deadly virus that is spread rapidly through direct human contact. The infected become enslaved by the invading "swarm" intelligence and driven by an insatiable appetite to consume human flesh. Returning home, the students spread the infection to their fellow classmates and other unsuspecting townspeople.


Another ruinous no-budget zombie flick that helps to drive this particular sub-genre further into the ground. HUMANS VS ZOMBIES is apparently based on a live-action roleplaying game of the same name, one that's popular in colleges across the USA. As a film, it's entirely devoid of wit, intelligence, and merit.A toxic leak at a chemical plant results in a zombie epidemic and some geeky roleplaying kids are the only ones who have a chance to fight back. That's the extent of the storyline, and for the rest of the running time we get stuck with a group of annoying teenage characters as they outrun zombies over and over again.There are the requisite shoddy gore effects, crowds of bloody zombies, and low rent action, and all of it is captured by a director barely capable of shooting a watchable film. In the end, though, it's the poor quality script - one which is entirely derivative of pretty much every zombie flick that's come before - which scuppers this mess of a movie.

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This movie happened to be on television, so I watched it Despite this, I still want to get my money back.In a nutshell, a zombie virus breaks out in a lab. And we spend what seems the next eternity watching a misfit band of college students get chased around by the night of the living cliché. During their struggle to survive, they learn to overcome their differences. blah blah blah blah...The story was painfully slow. The film is 93 minutes long; cutting 30 minutes out would greatly improve things. Just cut 30 minutes of the cast bitching and moaning and fighting with each other.The characters were taken from a cliché handbook. Painfully awful to watch... Especially that Jack Black wannabe. And Frank, the armed-to-the-teeth security guard who is not bad-ass, no matter how hard they tried to make him appear to be.It's movies like this that are ruining the horror genre.

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Okay, we all know the drill by now: A motley assortment of desperate characters are forced to set aside their differences and work together in order to remain alive after a mysterious virus causes an outbreak of ferocious flesh-eating zombies. So far, so familiar. But fortunately director Brian T. Jaynes, who also co-wrote the clever and inspired script with Devan Sagliani, neatly pokes fun at the standard genre conventions by making the central protagonists a bunch smartaleck college students with above average survival instincts thanks to all the video games they've played concerning zombie infestations. Moreover, Jayne relates the lively and entertaining story at a constant brisk pace, stages the zombie attack scenes and action set pieces with tremendous rip-roaring brio, delivers a handy helping of graphic gore, develops a considerable amount of tension and a strong feeling of mounting dread, and tops it all off with a wickedly amusing sense of pitch-black humor. Better still, Jayne not only keeps everything at a poignant human level (several characters express dismay when their friends get killed), but also comes through with an admirably hard-edged take-no-prisoners attitude that stays savagely true to itself to the devastating bitter end. In addition, the enthusiastic cast have a ball with the wild material, with especially stand-out work from Madison Burge as sassy and sarcastic gamer babe Tommi, Melissa Campbell as the sweet and adorable Amanda, Frederic Doss as gung-ho paranoid conspiracy freak security guard Frank, Chip Joslin as rowdy and obnoxious hipster Brad, Jonah Priour as shy and awkward virginal geek Danny, and Jesse Ferraro as amiable hunky jock James. Francois Frazat's crisp cinematography boasts plenty of cool bird's eye view camera shots and gives the picture an impressive sharp look. Maigin Blank's dynamic throbbing score does the pulse-pounding trick. A total blast.

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The first 4 reviews actually misled me into watching this movie. Anyone giving this film more than 2 stars is obviously in cahoots with the production.Overall: unbearable. The quality of the production itself is decent, but even with all the rogue pop-culture references and randomly-placed aerial shots, these just don't even begin to make up for the story and acting.Acting: terrible, with the exception of the "Brad" character who is pretty much the sole source of comedy in the film - so he doesn't count.Plot: terrible. The very beginning was somewhat interesting, enough to lure you in, but then it becomes incredibly dull for the majority of the movie. If you enjoy endless, pointless, and mind-numbing teenage conversation mixed with a flat plot development - this film is for you.This film was so bad, in fact, that it rubbed off on the film we decided to watch afterwards. This is what I get for choosing a film with such an unimaginative title like "Humans Versus Zombies."

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