Hitman: Agent 47
Hitman: Agent 47
R | 21 August 2015 (USA)
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An assassin teams up with a woman to help her find her father and uncover the mysteries of her ancestry.

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I came to this film by accident, a present from a friend who knew I really enjoyed "Hitman (with Timothy Olyphant, Dougray Scott, Olga Kurylenko). I was initially disappointed, having hoped it was that original, but having watched it last night I found it worthwhile (while not coming close to the original). The premise is interesting - once you can get your head round a rival with titanium injected under the skin that makes him bulletproof! It's a step further than Bond, which is sufficiently realistic to make it credible, for the most part - but for people who accept the Marvel universe it's an easy step. The film follows through on the action precept, but what I found most interesting is the gradual awakening of the heroine to her full potential and the influence she has on her machine-like 'partner', based on the premise that we are what we choose to live by. It is a promise of potential redemption for a great many people who feel trapped into a future they want to escape. The ending was a little weird, since 47 took a bullet for 90, yet seemed to suffer no ill effects, and then the two of them were confronted by a look-alike Agent 48, ordered up by controller Diana because 47 didn't take out 90 as well as the prime target. Assuming they survived, the pieces are all in place for a very good sequel, as 47 and 90 would presumably never feel safe as long as the other agents are still around and following Diana's orders. And if they didn't survive, then presumably the other agents will continue operating for Diana (or her boss?) in a world akin to the videogame series (which I have not seen, I confess).

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Pros: I stopped watching after 20 minutes so I didn't waste too much of my life.Cons: 47 not bald Absolutely no silence whatsoever. Explosions, explosions everywhere. Stupidly boring acting from whoever is playing 47.And the main thing that really bugged me from minute one of that awful monologue, they didn't even get the name of the cloning scientist right. It was Dr Ort-Meyer. Not whoever in the blue hell this "Litvinenko" chap is.Honestly I would have settled for them using ANY of the Five Fathers to be the "creator" or "monetary backer" for the cloning program, but no, instead they made it up.

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julian kennedy

First, let's get this out of the way. This is not as good as the video game that spawned it. Rupert Friend almost looks the part but simply doesn't have that Agent 47 quality. It is a little like if you had Jennifer Aniston play Lara Croft. Rupert isn't helped by a plot that suffers from this time it's personal syndrome (see latest Bond films). Everybody is someone's sister, father, cousin, former chiropractor's receptionist. It is a tired idea that has been beaten to death in action films of late.So the acting is subpar, the story is filled with tired tropes and it doesn't do justice to the source material. Thank god it looks so good and the action set pieces that start okay get more spectacular as the movie moves along. If you can get past the someone subpar opening bit that is more Steven Seagal than Terminator the ride improves. That all this movie really is, a forgettable ride among some nice scenery. Sometimes that is enough for a Saturday night on the couch with the wife.

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Jarrod Trim

Only not a 10/10 because, they just go to Singapore and go to any Orchard and find him? Should be a search scene for this.Also the actor (For Agent 47) wasn't the best cast, but he wasn't for the worst. I would like to see someone who could portray him a little better.This movie was really good, the plot, the rest of the casting, the acting and special FX were really good! I have played Absolution, a tiny bit of blood money and the new Hit-man. Now you could argue that the Hit-man in the film is not like the one in the games, while that is half true the movie is still pretty good!So if you were to base it off the game and how much it reflected it and detail? Probably a 7/10 movieFor a movie itself not going off the game? A 9/10 or 10/10 movie(Not really a spoiler) A cliffhanger was left, so I guess we'll see another

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