Hip Hop-eration
Hip Hop-eration
| 25 September 2014 (USA)
Hip Hop-eration Trailers

These senior citizens may each be almost a century young, but for Kara, (94) Maynie (95) and Terri (93) the journey to Las Vegas and the World Hip Hop Dance Championships is just the beginning of a life's journey. And along with twenty-seven other nonagenarians they defy the odds and hip-hop their way into the hearts and minds of thousands of young fans from around the world. Led by their exuberant and 'I must have been mad,' manager Billie Jordan they learn to throw away their wheelchairs and walking sticks and push their bodies and artificial joints to the absolute limits of old age.


Sitting through a documentary about a large group of seniors for ninety minutes might not sound like riveting entertainment. However add the words "Hip-Hop" and "Las Vegas" to this and your interest may start to perk up. Watching youngster Billie Jordan teach thirty odd over 65s Hip-hop dance moves with the prospect of performing in Las Vegas makes this film pure entertainment. Obviously this documentary started after the group knew they would/might be going to America so some of the early sections were a bit stagey but its not long before we are underway with rehearsals inter-cut with reminiscences from five or six members of the group. This was one of the best edited films of recent times, never allowing us to focus too long on any one thing before bouncing us off into another direction. I should make special mention of the music. The original musical numbers and scoring were outstanding. I am sure all members of the group would be proud of the final result. At the screening I was at the entire audience burst into applause at the end. That doesn't happen very often. For me the only disappointment was that the film focuses on the women of the group. I would have liked to have heard from the male members. Maybe they were a little camera shy. Congratulations to all involved.

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