R | 31 July 2012 (USA)
Hijacked Trailers

A special agent's plans to reconcile with his ex-fiancé are ruined when she boards a private jet that is targeted by hijackers working for the same crime lord that he is chasing.

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I expected a B movie with some cheesy action to redeem it. Indeed the DVD jacket suggested the bare bones of a plot that the film did fulfill. But nothing could have warned me that fulfillment could be so boring, so stupid, and so unconvincing.One starts to get an idea by the flatness of the dialog and emotion at the start. Does it ever improve? No. The actors have looks but they never seem invested. The style is low budget TV or straight to video.Then the first action scene is there delivering nothing worth watching as well yet nonetheless impressing me: must the characters--good guys and bad--really be that dumb in a firefight? Must they fight so badly? Incredible! Next we get to the airplane and by then there's no doubt what will be delivered: a film neither convincing enough to be worthwhile nor cheesy enough to overcome its stupidities. The set says it by looking nothing like an airplane. The special effects say it by looking unrealistic. The characters say it by reacting to danger, injury, and threat with true stupidity. The plot says it by lacking so much common sense in its particulars that there's no buying into any part of it.I can't recommend this movie on any level. But if you're a glutton for self-flagellation, a fan of boring, or looking for a movie that you can walk away from without missing anything, then maybe you'll want to check this out. In such an ill-considered event, I recommend that you attempt to keep your brain half alive by attempting to note some fraction of the ways stupid will out. For example, as a teaser, how would you handle events like these: - Protecting self from gunfire.Moving and fighting while shot, stabbed, or something.Wound care for your friends.Someone there to kill you.On plane expecting bad things will happen.Airplane safety procedures and equipment.Keeping somebody captured from posing further threat.Hide from people who would kill you.I like lots of B action movies. But this one is not worth watching.Really! Find some another movie.

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Shawn Gordon (gordytheghoul)

The picture begins successfully enough with the under appreciated Vinnie Jones playing a suave British secret agent. Looking snazzy in a tuxedo, cool and cunning. You know he can jump into action and kick some serious butt at any minute, but first he must flirt with the ladies. This opening seems to make a successful case for ol' Vinnie as the next 007. Unfortunately, this is not a Vinnie Jones show and after a rather tedious shootout, Jones disappears from the movie all together.Hijacked is a routine, merely adequate action vehicle for Expendables star Randy Couture. Incompetently Directed by Brandon Nutt, this Nutt seemed to believe in the film's merits as he co-produced as well. Couture, the Washington state born former UFC superstar turned action hero makes a go at his first starring role, I wish I could say he is the next great action star, but I just can't. He is stiff and lacking the essential charisma for that, he has an unkempt look reminisce of Jason Statham, but is lacking the Stath's virtues. Here, Couture is easily over shadowed by his more experience co-star Dominick Purcell, who gives the film's best performance.The story is familiar, the plotting strictly by the numbers. The production at least looks good, the first part of the picture is set in Paris, so we get some better than expected locations, not the far too common ugly grays of Eastern Europe, which is cheap to film in. Most of the story takes place on an airplane though, this will make many viewers aware of superior actioners of the past such as Air Force One and Executive Decision. Not too much on the action front either as we much wade through nearly half the movie for it to really get going, then it precedes to take silly turns with lots of gunfire on the airplane. It all goes on too long, too boot. Finally landing with a you've got to be shitting me "twist" ending. Couture's professional nickname was "the Natural", obviously it applied to his athletic skills, because when it comes to his movie star cred, he is anything, but a natural.

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I wish I could place a 0,1 out of 10.The plot was awful and the movie as a whole likewise. Acting, scenery and every aspect of the film, were nothing short of amateur! I was counting down the time to switch of my DVD player but to no avail. One and a half hour seemed to me endless. What a pity for Vinnie! Do not waist your time watching this crap!!! You should go for a coffee, or eat a burger or something. My disappointment was also increased by Dominic Purcell. I am a great fun of PRISON BREAK and this also applies to Dominic. Why Dominic? Why? The movie has taken place in a hotel the decoration of which could never be a part of a plane. PLEASE DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE. Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Aleph Taw

...or so I thought, at least before the very end. No spoiler alert here, but I gotta say, the end kinda salvaged this one from being a whirlwind fail of epic proportions.After watching Hijacked, one thing is entirely and abundantly clear, Randy Couture is no actor, and probably never will be. I didn't watch this in the first place because I thought so, no, I picked this one because Randy Couture is a former MMA fighter, and that's what I wanna see him do in movies: fight. There are a few of those sequences in Hijacked alright, but those are way too scarce and way too short. Instead of writing a role for him where he had to manhandle his opponents the right way, the producers and writers of Hijacked obviously want the other way, hoping they would outsmart us all, by giving Mr Couture a dialog driven part. Well, that didn't work out so well, so they actually outsmarted themselves.Yes, there are a few glimpses of real surprise, like two very premature deaths for instance, but that's right about it. Often enough you should stick with what you know, because 99% of the time it will work, but that's not what they were gunning for here. The dialogs seem to have been written by some five year old, the acting is at times worse than at my local summer amateur theater, and the story line seems like a potpourri of movies seen a thousand times before. Why in the world Dominic Purcell agreed on participating is way beyond me. And Vinnie Jones probably just did it for a laugh, or maybe he lost a drinking bet, I don't know.To be fair, the story would have been sufficient, if there would have been less dialog and more fighting. Just a good ole Steven Segal-esque movie, that would have done just fine. But no, they wanted to make a "real film" out of it, and in the end missed almost all points by a mile. So yeah, this movie has no point at all, and I'll be damned if ever watch this one again.As for Randy Couture, well, I think his stuff might even work as a lead, but he would need a real script for that, less dialog and sure as hell more fighting scenes. Because that's what he does best, and if he doesn't see that, well, than his acting "career" is already done. I would watch real action movies starring Randy Couture as the lead persona, I really would, because the fights on Hijacked, as short as they were, reminded us of what he can do with his fists, elbows and knees, so just let him do that. All that of course doesn't mean write an awful movie and Couture will fight his way through. No, write something good, something that actually makes sense, and then you let him fight the bad guys. Sounds rather easy, but as Hijacked has showed, it's far from it.

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