R | 13 February 1996 (USA)
Grim Trailers

A team of spelunkers, when investigating a system of caves beneath a small town, come across a hideous creature that can move through walls.


When I happen to see an awful movie, someone else may say "it's the worst movie I've ever seen". Though I reassure them that Grim holds that title, hands down. The acting, production quality and storyline of that movie were hilariously bad.It's like no other video I've seen, at least in theaters. Thus, I usually compare it to a home video, particularly because of the production quality. It seems that this movie was made by a group of amateur teens who gathered together and decided, "Forget the movie theater, let's make our own movie this week!" Basically, the tagline on the cover for Grim states, "This is no fairytale." That's exactly right, it's crap! Actually, I would recommend seeing this film though because it is HILARIOUS. It's the ultimate "so bad it was funny" movie. My brother and I were on the floor laughing when we saw it years ago, and we still laugh about it to this day.So when you have some time and five bucks for a movie rental, I recommend watching this movie. It's worth it for a good belly laugh!

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I don't typically like cheap horror movies or shall we say cliché but surprisingly I liked this more then I would if it had been made by the sci-fi channel.. (which watching it I realized.. it wasn't a sci-fi channel original because the movie would have been much worse had it been) It actually did have originality unlike a typical sci-fi/horror movie and yah the special effects are just awful (almost looked animated.. yah know before computers) It seemed to me and maybe I'm just wrong but the pacing was terrible, aka there where a lot of useless shots the director couldn't find any thing else to do with.. so he spend 3-5 minutes of celluloid on climbing down a ladder But underneath it all this movie had more heart then your average crap fare.. it had a cave, a sort of interesting premise (call a devil/troll) through a wiji board and sets and or monster looks that where sort of interesting (and sort of terrible) this movie is definitely cheesy and can be appreciated it for it's uniqueness and it's cheese and really not following the formulaic plot lines we expect (there isn't a plot but even for not having one it's.. not formulaic) I also make a note for those interested that this movie has limited bondage scenes; for those looking for it..

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'Terror?' What 'terror?' I was walking through Blockbuster one day, and I saw this film box, on VHS, before DVD.Now, I thought this was going to be awesome, almost as good as some great monster movies(i.e Pumpkinhead, the original the sequel sucked).They say subterranean terror. I don't know why. This film didn't even make me jump ONCE. The effects are absolutely h o r r i b l e. The 'monster' looks sooooo fake. I scared more people with my Halloween costume when I was 7. As for the plot.... ugh.*SPOILER ALERT*but don't rent this movie, it sucks.Some really dumb goth teens make this 'monster' wake up through a ouija board. It comes from the ground, and looks like a pile of that $2 horse manure. Anyway, this thing kills these dumb teens and I was rooting for the monster. As for acting... these people REALLY need acting lessons. Maybe psychological help. 1/2 out of *****

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This movie does not deserve to be on the bottom 100 list. It deserves no ranking, no mention, and no memory. If I had only one wish, it would be the absolute eradication of this title from the planet and to lock the cast and crew involved back into their time capsule.Not only did it bring new definition to the word rancid, it proves that there are some people God really doesn't care about. There is not much I can add here that hasn't already been covered. If you still wish to view this movie despite all warnings, you may end up as one of the many suicides due to the absolute depression this movie instills in the jolliest of souls.

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