From Caligari to Hitler
From Caligari to Hitler
| 28 May 2015 (USA)
From Caligari to Hitler Trailers

Film journalist and critic Rüdiger Suchsland examines German cinema from 1919, when the Republic of Weimar is born, to 1933, when the Nazis come into power. (Followed by Hitler's Hollywood, 2017.)

Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"Von Caligari zu Hitler" is an award-winning German documentary movie from 2014, so still a relatively new work written and directed by Rüdiger Suchsland based on the book by Siegfried Kracauer. The title already gives away that this almost 2-hour movie focuses on the Weimar Republic ("From Caligari to Hitler: German Cinema in the Age of the Masses") and the impact that the films made during that period had on Germany, but also the impact of politics and society on German films during these 15 years. I must say I am normally skeptical when a filmmaker narrates his own documentary. Not everybody is Werner Herzog. But after a brief moment of adjusting to Suchsland's voice, I quite liked what I heard. I also believe it was a good idea to use a second narrator for quotes taken directly out of the book this is based on. What is especially impressive is that it was Suchsland's very first directorial effort and that is really a start that not even most of the greats managed. Despite having seen many German (silent) films from that era, I must say that I did not end up liking too many of these. The good thing, however, is that this had no impact on my perception of this one here. It was an interesting watch from start to finish and I believe the filmmaker managed a convincing study. I also think you don't need to have great political knowledge about that time to enjoy the watch. My interest for example does not really start before 1933 either. And you probably do not need to have seen (m)any of the films referenced in here to enjoy it. It's a really educational work that never drags and I would definitely call it one of the best examples of film on film documentaries I have ever seen. From a very personal perspective I must say it was extraordinary to see these people that are long dead and to wonder how life (i.e. war a.o.) shaped them not just before they were recorded, but also afterward, especially when you watch them in a simple moment harmlessly enjoying themselves. The director did a great job in making a connection between me as an audience member and the people you see in here. And to end my review, I would like to make a statement on the closing credits fittingly as it somewhat broke my heart to see all the names of these creative people at the very end and read after each and every name that they left Germany before/when the Nazi party took over. Oh what could have been in terms of Germany being a defining filmmaking country for decades to come. Please watch this documentary. Highly, highly recommended and criminally underseen.

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From Caligari to Hitler: German Cinema in the Age of the Masses (2014)*** 1/2 (out of 4) Entertaining documentary that explores German cinema before Hitler came into play. The Weimar Republic is looked at from the span of 1919-1933 and we hear about countless careers including Fritz Lang, F.W. Murnau, Georg Wilhelm Pabst, Ernst Luitsch, Marlene Dietrich, Billy Wilder and Robert Wiene among others.If you're a fan of German cinema then you'll certainly want to watch this documentary that clocks in just under two hours. There are a lot of clips from various movies shown but we also get interviews with some German historians who discuss these films and their impact around the world. I will admit that some of the narration seemed to try and be "too intelligent" by throwing certain thoughts out there that just didn't really fit with the films.With that said, there's no question that this gives you a terrific look at German cinema during this period and there are some theories that if you view these films they give you an idea into the mindset of German's and they might explain why Hitler rose to power. Certainly some interesting things to think about. FROM CALIGARI TO Hitler is certainly worth watching.

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I'm glad I got to see this, having read Kracauer's book about twelve years ago. It is a bit stuffy and pedantic, but still a marvelous look at a huge period in cinema, the Weimar. We are informed of the movement in Germany that took place after the First World War. Germany, decimated by the restrictions and punishments in Versailles, began to rebuild. The problem was that they were building their future on sand. Meaningless jobs and overpayment for work that really contributed little to the restoration had to have an end. Soon inflation reared its ugly head. Of course, the Jews were going to be blamed. Hitler took care of that. Kracauer's thesis is that the budding film industry predicted the coming of the National Socialist Party. He points particularly to the close knittedness of the youth that were about to be disenfranchised. He asks where they will be in thirty years. Also, many times of the films of the time presented us with megalomaniacs or those of evil intent. Women seemed to be diminished in the films. Also, there was a sort of mob order to the characters. Positives of the documentary are that it is nicely ordered to prove the point. There are numerous clips to support the thesis. I'm greedy, however, and would like to have seen a bit more. Nevertheless, the quality of the clips is quite good. It has led me to take a further look at some of the Fritz Lang and F. W. Murnau films that are seldom seen. I'm glad the TCM has seen fit to do more than show their catalogue of films. Let's hope for even more of these kinds of things.

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Focuses on the Weimar Republic (1918-1933) and its 'collective spirit' in cinema. The purpose of film as a cultural tool is examined. Based on celebrated sociologist Siegfried Kracauer's seminal book 'From Caligari to Hitler' (1947).As someone who loves Kracauer's book and the Weimar period of German cinema, this documentary was a godsend. I would have preferred it was dubbed rather than subtitled, but that is a small matter (and one that should not even bother me considering how many of the films referenced are subtitled).Do I think the films of the 1920s predicted the rise of Hitler? No. But I absolutely love the exploration of them and German culture. The book has more detail than a film could hope to cover in 90-120 minutes, but the film brings everything to life. The clips are good (some of these films are hard to find), but even just daily life in Germany... very nice.

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