PG | 22 December 1989 (USA)
Always Trailers

The spirit of a recently deceased expert pilot mentors a newer pilot while watching him fall in love with the girlfriend that he left behind.


Every time I see the title Always in our DVD case I'm tempted to pull it out and watch it again, for perhaps the 10th time. This isn't normally something I's want to watch because it shows the lead character influencing and being around in spirit after his death. But there's something about this project that give is a warm part in my mind.I guess it's primarily the love story between Pete and Dorinda. But it's so much more than that. It's the light-heartedness, the humor, the tragedy, and filled with characters I'd be glad to call my friends.Personally I've never found that Spielberg knows how to portray love, but this film was an exception. He got it right. There is a depth to this story that lingers.I wouldn't have rated this 8/10 years ago, but it is that sense that it keeps drawing me back that makes me admit that I like it that much. I like Dryfus but he seems to be an actor without much breadth. However this may be his best movie.Holly Hunter is not only easy on the eyes but the way she speaks, with that slightly off normal voice, is very endearing. She is a terrific actress.Goodman doesn't seem like an actor, which is meant as a huge complement. He fills each part so well it doesn't seem like he's acting. Perfect.

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I've loved this film for 25 years (it celebrates it's 25th Anniversary) how time flies! (sorry couldn't resist)This film works or fails on it's 4 main characters...and god are they good!Richard Dreyfuss is an American Acting Legend who deserves more credit and his paring with Holly Hunter might NOT have been many people's first choice as a romantic pairing but boy does it work, she's a pocket rocket firecracker and he is at his most handsome ever!Then there's John Goodman as his good friend 'Al' another terrific performance and Brad Johnson as Ted Baker, without these two actors and characters working it might just have fell flat (in fact it soars, sorry I must stop this!)Audrey Hepburn (Hap) gets a magical, beautiful, final movie cameo (THANKS Steven) and she is PITCH PERFECT."YOUR A GOOD MAN PETE...WE DON'T SEND BACK THE OTHER KIND"The Beginning of the film is TERRIFIC...and sets everything up (he's reckless, she's scared to death, Al is the joker in the middle) it is a film brilliantly directed by Mr Spielberg, beautifully photographed with colours and lighting that will stay with you.The first time you see Dorinda (Holly Hunter) in THAT dress!!! well if your a guy you'll want that dance too...that is some dress and this is some woman!Events happen and not soon after Pete is observing, in one scene he sees a guy brushing away the dust and in a light hearted way smiles and says "I think your a funny looking guy", a few seconds pass and this guy is then seen looking into the cars mirror and sadness falls upon his face, yup Pete realises he has the power of suggestion over people (but the power of love? well that's hard to control)"GIVE HIM A CHANCE AL"That's a line Pete would regret (at least for a short time)The old guy (that can hear Pete) you'll know from "HOME ALONE"When Pete says "GOD I WISH WE'D HAVE MET SOONER" to Dorinda many of you like me will be thinking the very same....I never did meet my Dorinda so if you meet yours 'Hang on Tight'Now I'm a guy that loves ACTION, SCI-FI, HORROR and ADVENTURE FILMS but if a films a good 'un then it's good one no matter what genre and this is so GOOD. Maybe I'm getting older but there are numerous times throughout this film that get the tears flowing...THE TALK between Pete and Dorinda at night especially when Pete tells her what's going to happen.DORINDA WALKING AWAY from the PLANE...not knowing what Pete is saying to her and she kind of knowing what was about to happen...she knows!AL visiting DORINDA in her apartment on the edge of a runway.And finally...THE PLANE TALK FINALE (watch Holly's eyes!!! this is some acting! and how she does not tear before is truly incredible!)If you are not trying to hold it together at these points well I just don't know!This is an amusing, thrilling, funny, heartbreaking and wonderful feel-good movie with so many good moments, many trash it because of Mr Spielberg's name attached (shame on them)Having read so many reviews here I was especially taken by two, one whom had lost her pilot husband and another who had lost her brother, my heart goes out to them but it just shows the power of film.Scores as low as 2 and 3!!! these folks have no idea! Overall rating of 6.4!!! OK I guess the people have spoken and that's the true reflection but I disagree with this strongly.A STEVEN SPIELBERG Gem that sadly is forgotten but is ready to be re-discovered.Romantic Love movies don't come much better than thisTHIS FILM WILL LIFT THE HEART IF YOU ALLOW IT.UPDATE: It was a delight to recently see Mr Spielberg (yup someone whose movies I have grown up with and is my favourite director) on Film 2015 and upon being asked which film he thought of his was perhaps underrated he mentioned "ALWAYS" YES!!! my gosh he's NOT WRONG, to my eyes it's a CLASSIC, BEAUTIFUL Movie and i'll thank him for this forever!

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During the 1970's, Steven Spielberg and Richard Dreyfuss made a great team. The intense little actor played a likable shark expert in JAWS and a suburban alien-obsessed dad in CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND. And ten years later, they attempt to rekindle that magic. And although there's some good use of The Spielberg Touch… flowing camera-work weaving in and out of glorious special effects… this is a romance that tries too hard to pull heartstrings.Dreyfuss and sidekick John Goodman are firefighting pilots with a dangerous job. Dreyfuss is a daredevil who, with each venture, risks his life more than necessary. The first thirty minutes consists of Holly Hunter, Dreyfus's girlfriend who works ground control, and Goodman trying to tell their friend he's taking too many chances. But this occurs between sappy dialog and the building of a relationship that wasn't very special to begin with.That is, until Dreyfus is killed and, while wandering around a earth-based purgatory, New Age angel Audrey Hepburn gives him an afterlife mission: to help a handsome young pilot, Brad Johnson, earn his wings. But Johnson's true aim is to win over Holly Hunter – turning an interesting twist into a wasted subplot.Dreyfuss, as a ghost, seems more like a creepy stalker, placing thoughts into people's minds to maneuver their choices – especially Hunter, who he won't let go of. Meanwhile, he reluctantly helps Johnson… who unsuccessfully balances a suave yet dorky character… become a great pilot.Holly Hunter, while being a cute, spunky actress, is miscast as an ingénue every man desires. Goodman does his usual fat funny guy, but to an annoying level – he and everyone else seem to be playing for opening night audiences. And Dreyfus goes so overboard with forced sentimentality you'll wish the shark had got him or that those aliens never brought him home.The Ariel shots, while filmed beautifully (especially the pivotal death scene), are simply used as breaks from an overlong Hallmark Card. And Steven Spielberg would thankfully end his creative mid-life crisis with HOOK and get back to business at hand.And More Reviews:

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One of his lesser films, Always is a nice, touching story that seems to never have found its proper audience. Wonderfully shot, well acted, the 1989 film is a departure from Spielberg's usual fantasy and historical pictures but has echoes of both. The firebomber sequences hint at some of the battle scenes from Saving Private Ryan years down the road. Well worth checking out if you haven't seen it. Hepburn's final screen appearance is gentle and touching. Spielberg is restrained in this film. Perhaps he considers it a small film, but it is a forgotten gem in many ways.

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