| 18 December 1986 (USA)
Flodder Trailers

A low-class antisocial family ends up in a rich upper-class neighborhood and causes all sorts of trouble.


Well, at first you are astonished and laugh about the Flodder-Family. But if the movie continues you will see, that the freaks on this story are not the Family. It may be the truth that, to identify freaks positively, you have to confront them with other freaks.Works still after 32 years. One of my favourite movies.

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...and I thought the only things I knew about the Low Countries were wooden shoes, tulips, windmills and Rembrandt. For the first eighteen years of my life, I thought that movie was made in Quebec. I was not the only one, though. In Canadian french, that movie and its two sequels were named "Les Lavigueurs Déménagent" ( The Lavigueurs are moving) after a poor Montreal family that won the lottery jackpot a few months before. They were already the laughing stock of the province, then people started to think that movie was really about them! The promoters thought they'd make a bunch of money out of what was "Flavor of the month" back then, not really smart, not really kind either. The movie showed the Lavigueurs (Floodders) as ill-mannered, horny 24-7 (even incestuous!) hillbillies but if you ask me the real ill-mannered hillbillies without any class were the Quebec promoters for making money by covering other people's reputation in dirt.On top of that, the movie was one of the first foreign movies to be translated in joual (Quebec working-class slang) instead of the usual standard French and in the sequel, the family is said (still only in the Quebec version) to be from Saguenay. Two more reasons for francophone viewers to think the movie is as quebecer as poutine and vachon cakes.The movie itself is still hilariously politically non-correct. No matter what greedy promoters did here, it kicks butt all over the world!

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I ran this in my cinema..... and for kids! Oh dear!!... in the 80s we used to screen midnight to dawn marathons for teenagers (and younger) who all came, pajama clad and spent the night at the movies. THE FLODDERS was apparently some breakout hit in Holland so for the usual bizarre reason, it was rushed to Australia. So, in the tradition of SEXTETTE, or UNDERSEA KINGDOM, or AT LONG LAST LOVE.... it was plonked into a midnight to dawn show for 'wake me up' value. And eeeeeekkkkk! did it ever.... a never ending stream of vulgar gags about this drunken fornicating spewing bumpkin family who move to a stylish suburb and the skid-marked mayhem they cause. I clearly remember standing at the back of the theater watching from between my fingers as some oaf was fornicating on the bonnet of the family car... when it was revealed - ha-ha- he didn't know it was (wait for it......) his daughter! I ran screaming from my own cinema.

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An anti-social family moves, because of a ridiculous government experiment, into an upper class neighborhood. The neighbors do not except the "Flodders" in their neighborhood. Most of the jokes are about the inappropriate behavior of the Flodders and about the hypocrisy of the neighbors. Mostly crude humor, but if you like that sort of thing than you will find this movie entertaining. The characters are very stereotypical, which I think is a shame. One never really connects with the characters.This movie clearly targeted an American audience rather than just a dutch audience.

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