Flight of Fury
Flight of Fury
R | 20 February 2007 (USA)
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John, a secret government operative is sent to recover a stolen Stealth Bomber from the hands of terrorist organization which plans to use it in a deadly attack, with warheads containing bio-weapons.

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Are all movie directors idiots? If a guy throws a hand grenade it goes off as if it was a four gallon air-fuel incendiary with a 12 foot fireball. It all has to be huge plumes of fire and smoke. So childishly theatrical. I wish directors would treat their audiences with more respect and assume we actually have intelligence. It's not just low-budget plank- fests like this that do it either; if anything it's the bigger the budget the bigger the explosions. A bit of reality might work, try it for a change.I really like and respect Sensei Seagal, but I can see he is struggling with this lame-ass script. I guess he has bills to pay like me.

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I've tried sitting through the entire duration for this twice now, and each time I've failed. The lackadaisical approach here is an understatement. We have many scenes with characters just wandering around, shooting at nothing, with plot points that don't even make sense. Apparently this is a shoot by shoot remake of Michael Dudikoff's Black Thunder. I've not seen that movie, so I can't say, but if it is anything like this, I won't be looking forward to it. It's incredibly cheap looking. It consists of stock footage for a lot of the plane shots, and Seagal looks bored to tears, phoning it in at least in almost every scene. The most unintentionally funny scene has to be when two chicks make out, and Seagal sits and watches with a blank and expressionless stare. Come on bud its chicks, at least show a little emotion. I remain a fan of Seagal despite his laziness now a days, and I guess I am a sucker for punishment for checking out his recent works.Performances. Steven Seagal. Seagal honestly could care less about this project, and I know that for a fact. He runs around with a machine gun, seemingly just shooting wildly in the air, aiming at nothing. He mumbles his way through the part, and doesn't even show emotion during critical plot points. He once more wears baggy clothing to hide his fat belly. He does occasional fighting, but really just a couple of mediocre snippets of it.Bottom line. If you got this far in the review, you will know how torturous I find this movie to be. Watching dry paint on a wall, is more entertaining than this. Please even if you are a die-hard fan of his, stay away. There is nothing entertaining about this movie.0/10

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Comeuppance Reviews

He's Back! Barely two months after "Attack Force"! The plot, which is a ripoff of a Michael Dudikoff movie by the way ("Black Thunder")... is about John Sands (The Big Man) who has to stop a renegade pilot from giving a powerful jet plane to "Romanian Russians" (?).The good news is that this is a step up from "Attack Force", which is great, and it looks like Seagal was trying. The bad news is that he's still fat, and using ADR voice-overs. This movie is chock, and I mean chock full of stock footage from other movies like "Stealth Fighter" and "Black Thunder". The "script" even uses the same names. Every aerial shot is mismatched.There's some good action and explosions toward the end, and Seagal's one liner is "Hell Yeah" which is funny. My life is complete.For more insanity, please visit: comeuppancereviews.com

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Steven Seagal movies have never been Oscar material but with each passing release they get worse and worse.This one starts with Seagal getting picked up by the FBI because he killed a few people 'in self defence' he's active military so is saved from jail to rescue a stolen Stealth plane that will be used by the cliché 'evil English villain' that Hollywood is so obsessed with including these days.Suffice to say the film has terrible dialog that is almost always delivered with a hefty topping of cheese and lack of acting talent. The story isn't interesting and there are segments of it which make absolutely no sense and do not add anything to the story, characters of movie as a whole such as the 'lesbian' interaction between the two main females in the cast which is there purely for titilation to get viewers and yet isn't even titilating just confusing as it makes no sense as to why it happened when it didn't need to.In short a terrible script with bad dialog, delivered by sub-par actors, boring and at times badly choreographed action scenes, and non-relevant parts that only serve to achieve the near-impossible and make the movie even worse.Save 98 minutes of your life and give this miss, even if you are Seagal's most ardent fan.

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