Black Dawn
Black Dawn
R | 13 February 2006 (USA)
Black Dawn Trailers

Jonathan Cold returns, this time he goes Undercover to stop a group of Terrorists before they bomb Los Angeles.

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Even by Seagal DTV standards this is really... quite something. It's considerably worse than The Foreigner, the previous film featuring the same Seagal character, Jonathan Cold. Yes, that's right it's a sequel to that film you probably didn't know existed, your friend passed on, and your neighbour gave up on after twenty minutes. But just think of the possibilities; in an alternative universe maybe this character is as popular as James Bond. "No Mr. Cold, I expect you to die!". In this world they are already on the fifth Cold movie. "Look Up! Look Down! Look Out! Here Comes The Biggest Cold Of All!". Soon, Seagal will quit the role, hoping to stretch as an actor. A new actor is cast as Cold. He re-captures the hearts of audiences, but not the critics. In 2022, Seagal makes an unofficial Cold film. "The spirit of the 2000s is reborn!" the critics cry.In this world however, Cold isn't a popular character and his films are as much fun as going through withdrawal.Was this review helpful? Didn't think so.

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Tonci Pivac

Steven Seagal movies are famous for killing and kicking ass. In this film, Seagal is so fat, that they do not bother even to find a stunt-man for him. Whenever there is action in the film, he just disappears from the picture and re-appears when the shooting and fight is over. He doesn't beat up ANYBODY in the whole film, can you believe that? Well, you would, if you look at him, he looks so sadly obese, he can hardly move, let alone walk. He is wearing a terrible wig and a terrible three-piece suit during the whole film, which spans during a 5 day period, but the worst part is the script and dialogs. A pre-schooler could have done it better, honestly.My piece of advice: WATCH THE FILM. It is SOOOOOooo terrible that you can use it as reference point for the rest of your life when judging other films.

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The film focuses to Jonathan Cold an ex-Cia agent,now he helps to break out from prison at a dangerous mobster(John Pyper Ferguson).He gather together with his brother(Julian Stone),another vicious murderer.They contact with a group of the habitual Eastern Europen terrorist with the aim of obtaining a nuclear weapon into a case for the blowing up of Los Angeles.Meanwhile Cia agents(an attractive Tamara Davis and Don Franklin)are surveying them but another traitors agents(Eddie Velez)uncover them.The movie turns out to be the following from ¨The foreigner¨ where Seagal returns with same personage and seems too similar to his previous films.In fact his last movies are of little budget as ¨Submerged,Belly of beast,Into the sun or Ticker¨, time has passed from average and high budget films as ¨ Under siege I and II,Executive decision,Glimmer man,or Fire down below¨. The picture packs lots of action,shoot out,violence and is quite entertained.The film contains the usual explosions,cars and trucks with impressive velocities pursuits and gets a nice look at those action sequences.Agreeable chemistry between Seagal and an enjoyable Tamara Davis is one of the worthwhile items in this sometimes stodgy rehash from anterior Seagal films.The motion picture is regularly directed by Alexander Gruszynsky(an usual and prestigious cameraman). Pointlessly energetic and occasionally entertained but only for the Steven Seagal devotee.

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After seeing Submerged on TV and saw a couple of other Steven Seagal movies like Today You Die and Into the Sun, they were a lot better than this. This is another sequel from the great one since Under Siege (Which I never knew about Seagal making this sequel) from the 2003 movie The Foreinger and that one was better than this and I can't believe what crap this movie is. Don't get me wrong Steven, I am a fan and this is my 2nd worst movie from you and I hope you will comeback in a movie where it is better than this but I still hated this movie for the rest of my life.I give this 2/10

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