Final Hour
Final Hour
| 26 June 1995 (USA)
Final Hour Trailers

Some students gets locked up in their school and is stalked by a killer. But as time goes by, it turns out that there is more to this than it seems.


This is a very subjective telling of the time I saw this movie.I was little. I guess somewhere between 7 and 9 years old. Me and my brother were alone, we were going to rent a movie. My brother rented two movies, one of the Puppetmaster-movies and this: Den Sidste Time.I don't remember much from Puppetmaster (although I have seen them all later in life) but "Den Sidste Time" really made an impression on me.I remember being really scared, because I thought it was sooo creepy. It was the scariest thing I had even seen. When I saw it later in life, I didn't find it that scary, but I still think this is a cool horror movie. The coolest thing with this movie is the atmosphere. It's claustrophobic, intense and pretty creepy. It is not a typical slasher, there are elements here that are pretty bizarre. I wouldn't say supernatural, but certainly strange. (This was also a big reason why I found it so scary when I was little, the mystery of it)I think this is a cool and different, creepy horror flick.

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Sharan S

I rarely watch movies on TV. It's because I can't stand these commercial breaks every ten minutes. But, while this movie was telecasted, there was hardly any. After watching the film, I knew why. The film is an 83 minute claustrophobic thriller. Having used the term 'Claustrophobia' I must confess it doesn't take place wholly in a single place, but moves on to different locations. Locations like rooms in a school, a TV studio and a ventilation shaft. Time and again, we seem to be so much influenced by TV that we prefer using TV shows as the base of the movie. For example, 13B is an Indian film which uses a specific TV soap as the setting of its base. All they watch on TV happens in their lives. Somewhere, the protagonist identifies the broken link and solves the mystery. But, I agree that there were a lot of unnecessary gimmicks in 13B. But, Sidste Time, a Danish (Denmark) film fills you with enough thrills to keep you glued to the screen. It is thrilling that we have seen many movies in the same treatment but we fail to notice that it is not what it usually is in the end. Take 13B for example again, the protagonist solves the mystery, finds the killer and kills him. Here in Sidste Time, the seven students serving late detention in high school are killed by a Frankenstein-like guy who is found dead in the first scene a la Saw!Desperate to find a life as an actor, we have the seven actors – Lene Laub Oksen, Mette Bratlan, Tomas Villum Jensen, Karl Bille, Rikki Louise Andersson, Laura Drasbaek and Ken Vedsegaard. The film was worth watching till the climax. The climax is where everything went haphazard. We get to know in the first scene that Micky Holm has a special power and in the climax scene we are told again that he has a special power. God! I may believe in you but certainly not this bullshit. Man creates technology, technology creates psychopaths and psychopaths create newer technology leading to where it all began. Perhaps, the worst scene in the film can be the climax. But, due to a few other scenes in the film, everyone may need to know about the climax. The climax is such a horror. We see films where the hero is pulled into every odd and finally ends up alive and healthy. Later, the trend of shutting down heroism and bringing in realism was introduced. Bet my butt, realism never existed. We saw over realism. That's what monster films and thrillers in Hollywood are doing. A group of people are shown in the first scene. Slowly, one by one keeps dying and finally the last person to die will have his name first in the credits as he was there through the whole movie. If you ask me, I won't recommend it to anyone but those who want to be 'great' directors like J.J. Abrahams, Quentin Tarantino etc. Sidste Time (Final Hour) is quite a gruesome thriller with loose ends. The film isn't that bad to be watched one. But, you have to risk 83 precious minutes to watch it.

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This movie is definitely the best within this area up to date! The story is very cool, supernatural but that just makes it even better. I must say, I was surprised, because I didn't think Denmark could make a film like this, but I guess we can! More of that kind please! It's a film you just have to see..

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I remember watching this movie in Berlin in 1995. I can't recall too many details, but I do remember that I was pleasantly surprised. It's a quite violent horror thriller that has a sufficiently intelligent plot along with the right amount of weirdness to really scare you. Sure beats all the American mainstream teenie-horror flicks that have been pouring out lately. This movies is a good example of the rising Danish film culture, it can hold its stake against "Nightwatch". See it if you get the chance!

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