Easy Come, Easy Go
Easy Come, Easy Go
PG | 14 June 1967 (USA)
Easy Come, Easy Go Trailers

Navy frogman Ted Jackson balances his time between twin careers as a deep-sea diver and nightclub singer. During a dive, Ted spots sunken treasure and returns with the hope to retrieve it.

Bjorn (ODDBear)

A frogman (Elvis) working for the Navy discovers treasure in a sunken ship and once he becomes an ordinary citizen he sets out to retrieve it; but he's got competition for it. One of Elvis's later entries; quite shallow and cheesy but fairly enjoyable. The slapstick humor works OK in parts and there's an underlying comic jab at the hippie lifestyle that's well played out. There are also some impressive underwater sequences here; "Easy Come, Easy Go" is a little more visually compelling than other Presley flicks around this time. The songs are few but pretty good (6 in total) and many have commented on "Yoga is as Yoga Does" as Elvis's most embarrassing moment on film. Personally I think nothing can top his singing to the dogs in "Paradise, Hawaiian Style" but I also think the Yoga moment here is pretty funny and the song OK; in a cheesy sort of way. You gotta admire how the King was a professional through and through and pulled this off and manages to be funny as well in his bungled Yoga attempts.

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Elvis Presley, playing a mine-detonator for the U.S. Navy (!), comes across sunken treasures of the deep; will the professional frogman keep the underwater riches a secret or will one of the pretty lasses in his circle kiss the dish out of him? Rather unpolished star-vehicle with musical interludes isn't all wet, though it does appear as though Elvis and the cast are winging it (there were two screenwriters credited, and frankly if I were either Allan Weiss or Anthony Lawrence, I would've adopted a pseudonym). Cinematographer William Margulies does amateurish work, with thick, gloppy colors making even the ocean look like a fish tank. A handful of not-bad songs ultimately keeps the picture from sinking. *1/2 from ****

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sonny starr

Easy come, Easy Go was released in 1967, two years before Elvis' last feature film, "Change Of Habit." Elvis plays a frogman who is about to complete his time with the U.S. Navy. He stumbles onto a sunken treasure on his final dive. One big problem..... someone else has made the same discovery. This makes for a fairly compelling story line.Of course there are plenty of pretty girls. The cast was wonderful. Dodie Marshall, the beautiful Pat Priest, and the wonderful Frank McHugh who played the (frightened of water) Captain Jack. The whole cast was great.The photography was stunning. Hats off to William Margulies for his incredible Cinematography. The scenery and settings were wonderful. The underwater scenes were very well done. This was a tough shoot. The credit goes to underwater photographer Michael J. Dugan.The drawback in this film was the Yoga scene. This has to be one worst scenes ever shot in film history. What was John Rich thinking? For that matter what was film editor Archie Marshek thinking. This was a no brainer. That scene should have been cut. I really believe that if it wasn't for that one scene, This would be one of Elvis' best. It was really that good. Well acted and Elvis looked like he really cared. If you can overlook the (Yoga) scene, this film is well worth watching.

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This is just pure @#$%^&$#@ this is just AWFUULLLLLLLLL! This is one time Elvis should have been horse whipped with a live horse! my-god even the songs are horrible! I find my self throwing my hands up and over my face and saying, (oh Elvis! please! please stop just stop please stopppppp1 oh this is just awful, Now this is desperate, this is one of the most embarrassing Elvis movies, And yes I find myself wanting to find Tom Parker and report him as being an illegal immigrant, if just to get him away from Elvis! If Tom Parker likes these types of movies then why don't he star in them? just don't do this to Elvis!and the acting is actually as bad as watching a soap opera.AAAAAAAAAAAA!! slapstck2000

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