NR | 01 January 2003 (USA)
Dawn Trailers

Dawn is a special little girl with special needs. Born from a human father and a vampire mother who died while giving birth. Dawn requires blood to survive. She and her father travel across the country, assuming new identities and never staying in one place for very long--until a small town detective with psychic powers pays extra attention to the murder of one of his townsfolk.


I love vampire movies - I love indie movies - I love low budget movies..........This movie had an original and interesting premise - but why oh why could they have not gone the little extra effort to cast one person that could actually act in the slightest bit.Every line of dialog was delivered worse than the line before - The psychic guy was laughable at every turn. Impossible to take seriously in the least.The little girl was passable - she was the only thing that made this movie worth watching........and even that was a stretch.Again, the story was slightly interesting (but would have worked so much better as a short film instead of a drawn out feature) and indeed an original take on a familiar theme, but I only kept it on to see how the hell they could possibly wrap this up.It's a shame they did not even try to get people who could deliver one line of the simple script convincingly. When given a tight budget, as this obviously was - DO NOT SCRIMP ON THE TALENT!! Not bad directing and very nice cinematography and camera work.

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I watched the movie without even taking a pee break. The story line was very interesting. I enjoyed it very much. Great work Jay. Best of luck in your future movies. And when you are called to receive your first grammy, I will stand beside you. Thanks.

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The first thing that struck me about DAWN was it's originality. Writer/Director Jay Reel crafted a smart tale about a father and daughter who, on the surface, seem normal, but are having to deal with a dark secret. It's a story of a man drifting throughout the land in search of food for his vampiric daughter, and of a young girl coming to grips with her ability and her curse.The movie does show it's small budget in the fact that some of the performances were stiff, and it was obvious that the most of the actors were friends and aquaintances of the filmmaker.But to me the story wins out over this. DAWN has a good story, and it's worth a look if you get a chance.Nick

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This is the best independant movie I've seen in nearly a decade. Dawn is proof that great maverick filmmakers do exist and can produce great filmwork outside the coastal machines. It also shows up all the Hollywood "True Gritty" films where overpaid movie and TV actors pretend to be small town dwellers; the casting of real people to represent their communities gives Dawn an unimitatable realism. It is also one of the most thoughtful vampire film ever made.To classify Dawn as a horror movie would be a mistake, though as a horror movie it's very good. This is a return to the purest elements of the Film Noir while employing a vampire metaphor. The film belongs in the same catagory as Fritz Lang's You Only Live Once and Nicholas Ray's They Live By Night, with an outlaw couple on the run for nothing else than who they are. Haunting black and white photography enforces the bleakness of having to run and hide from the world while always remaining in sight. The viewer is shown an emotional landscape filled with alienation from a life constantly desired, as well as the bonds that can be forged despite how grisley the circumstances can get.

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