Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life
Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life
| 20 June 2005 (USA)
Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life Trailers

A high school kid develops an addiction to Internet porn so intense that it begins to destroy his life and tear his family apart.


Yeah, it's a ridiculous story, but there's so much truth to it. Y'all are seeing it from the wrong angle.This story is not about a boy named Justin. It's about a hysterical, self- righteous, ultra-conservative wife/mother who combines the worst aspects of the right and the left in one personality. She has the ultra-conservative values with the flavor of the year (porn) in total Reefer Madness mode. This could've been about anything really, video games, rock music, TV, comic books, drugs, hipsterism, black metal, gambling, but it happens to be about porn this time. So she's all conservative without the "I'll pray for you" or "I'll ask Jesus for guidance" because in that space we have all the leftist crap, self-righteous indignation, moral superiority, double-standards, compartmentalization... with a tablespoon of 3rd wave feminism, or maybe just a pinch. This is a real problem. These people exist. I say that because I'm married to one. Yes, pornography has destroyed my life. Just like Justin, I used to watch pornography. Just like Justin, I watched some soft-core crap. Just like him, I watched it fully clothed and had a drink (1 single beer, once a week. This boy's caffeine addiction is a whole other thing).When my wife found out, she reacted the same as Diane (the mom). There's a scene where Diane tells her husband about it and he just says "okay, good night." The problem is that Diane lives in an alternate reality. She throws a fit and everyone does whatever she wants. She escalates this thing from "he watches porn" into "he's addicted to porn." She escalates it from a small private matter to one that needs therapy, an intervention, a Facebook group, calling Doctor Phil, national awareness campaign, Mothers-Against-Porn, and all the stuff that brings the most extreme leftists and rightists together in harmony.I come from a fairly conservative family. The way such things were dealt with was denial, small talk, church, more church, and pray that it goes away. Real liberal families ignore it, also give a quick safe-sex talk, or say it's fine, normal, healthy, whatever.But this woman is the product of two ideologically opposed cultures. The extreme left and the extreme right.The woman makes a big deal of this, involving her husband, her coworker, school councilor, the small brother, Starbucks employees, her credit card company, the gardener and anyone who follows her on Facebook. The world is a messed up place. This film is not a moralizing after-school special. This is a statement about the messed up state of the country. The younger brother plays GTA for God's sake. He's like 11 years old. The parents have no money. Justin needs to swim to get an education. The younger brother has no hope in athletics or intelligence (he burned a porn CD, wrote the label "virgin vaginas" and left it next to the computer. Too late for this one). The parents can't even afford a vacation. The husband is so scared of his wife that he tells her he's a lucky man, that he would never look at any porn or fantasize about anyone else. He lives in constant fear of his wife who drove her own son to suicide. Nopes, not exaggerating, this really happened.The parents pressure their kid into athletics and scold him for finishing 3rd in a national competition. The boy's girlfriend is a bible-thumper and she's retreating to religion. A young girl in school is making child pornography, perhaps to make ends meet? Still not making this up. No one in this film can spell. No one. The education system has completely collapsed, so webcam stuff and swimming are the only avenues left.Justin has a serious caffeine addiction. His parents can't afford to go on a vacation to a bed and breakfast. In this bleak country Justin finds solace in soft, soft, soft porn. Basically girls showing their arms, ankles, bellies. And the mom loses it. She gets everyone on her side, even getting the indifferent dad to threaten his son with physical abuse in public. (He was going to punch him in the head. Not threatened, he actually was going to do it). The mother used the dad as her trained attack hound and he ignored his own, STATED ideas about the thing to follow orders from his master.They way the mom behaved is exactly the way my own wife behaved. I did not hide the porn, I really didn't think she would behave like that. Her brother and dad go to a strip club with the guys, maybe twice a year, but she brushes that off as "them just blowing off steam." I don't go because I don't really like them much and I'm not into strip clubs. But my watching of an hour of porn, while building a guitar and having a single beer is "an addiction." "God knows what else goes down there." It's a workshop with tools and sawdust. What do you think happens?Anyway, my wife did the same stuff, involve everyone, marriage councilor, Facebook groups, tell her family, intervention. She's 27, so there's no jealousy excuse. But if I made the movie you'd all say that it's bull. This movie, as ridiculous as it sounds, is probably based on a true story with some tiny alterations. So yeah, I had to watch this film in my workshop because heaven forgive if her majesty walked in and saw this thing, seeing herself in the mirror/on the screen.It's all the liberal crap we're all used to + the conservative crap I'm used to without any of the Jesus saving me from all this part.

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First of all, I don't know what people were expecting when they sat down and turned on a Lifetime movie named, "Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life". Were you looking for a blockbuster? The title tells you up front, that this will be an after-school-special type of flick. Add in the fact that it is shown on Lifetime Television For Women, and you know it's going to be anti-porn.As a TV movie, it wasn't that bad. No worse than the rest of the movies they play on LMN. It kept me entertained, which was the point. Then again, I love Lifetime movies. Sometimes it's nice to just put your mind in neutral and enjoy a silly or cheesy movie on a lazy afternoon.Go into it with that attitude and you'll probably enjoy it. If you want a thriller or an action flick, look elsewhere (obviously!). This was cute, cheesy, and not a horrible way to spend an hour and a half.5/10

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Not many movies provoke such a strong emotional response from me, but this one, I can honestly say, I absolutely despise. Contrived premise aside, the utterly reprehensible cast of characters has issues (especially with consistency) way beyond the protagonist's overplayed porn addiction. For example:The mother, who's basically just this detestable ball of demanding self-righteousness and head-shaking disapproval, baits her husband rather bluntly with sex on the condition that he agrees to spend money on an expensive vacation. Later on, she worries that porn might give her son the wrong impression of what a real relationship should be about.The dad is being portrayed as a babbling moron whose insights into life are invariably wrong, stupid, dangerous, sexist and unhealthy, yet he's one of only two characters *in the entire movie* to point out that an increased interest in sexual imagery may actually be somewhat normal for a teenage boy.There's no reasonable middle ground whatsoever when it comes to the boy's sportive achievements, and everyone keeps responding to them in ridiculous outbursts of binary extremes. What I mean is, the coach and the parents praise the boy for getting accepted into the state swim team, but subsequently treat him like the absolute scum of the earth for merely placing third(!) in a national(!!) swimming competition. The mother even uses this supposed disastrous failure as an excuse to throw a fit about the boy's educational future.Speaking of fits, there's a scene where this lovely woman ponders her inability to properly communicate with her son... and you know what immediately follows this moment of profound introspection? Another hysteric fit where she shrieks at the boy's face for having brought poisonous porn into her idyllic home.The main character doesn't fare much better as far as likability goes, though his habit of lying through his teeth every chance he gets is slightly less annoying by comparison, given that he's actually *supposed* to be a confused person. Besides, douchy as he may be, the poor kid really is stuck in an uncomfortable situation. It's obvious that there's very little he can do to actually please his peers and family instead of provoking some overblown, negative reaction from them. In fact, the movie makes it rather clear that the *only* acceptable behavior for Justin is to either lie about, or suppress his true feelings for the sake of everyone else's happiness. Expressing an interest in real sex is bad, merely wanting to have real sex is bad, looking at porn instead of wanting to have real sex is bad, in essence, having a penis is bad. Yeah, Justin's got it tough.Anyway, as far as the story's concerned, the whole thing is just a contrived downward spiral where relatively normal teenager behavior gives rise to pretty grotesque conflicts, like the alienation of exactly those friends who got Justin hooked on porn in the first place, or an act of severe (and rather random) self-mutilation by some whorish side character whom Justin had refused to have sex with. It all culminates in some ambiguous, suicidal death scene, but sadly, not the mother's.All in all, this movie is a sickening experience for anyone who's ever spent as much as a minute in friggin' *reality*. The morals are blaringly inconsistent, the characters are either complete buffoons (the males), or hypersensitive harpies (the females) and the story is just a vehicle for the cringeworthy message.

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This movie is so incredibly stupid that it defies any description. The only good and fascinating thing about the movie - the thing that actually kept me watching in disgust - is what it unintentionally shows about the people that made it and the people it was made for.The movie portrays a world in which pornography is a super-addictive, highly dangerous drug that is the root of all evil. Due to watching porn, the protagonist's entire life is destroyed and in the end he tries to kill himself... The unintentional irony of the movie is that probably quite a few kids would indeed try to kill themselves - or at least try to run away from home - if they had parents so dumb, insensitive, controlling and puritan as the protagonist's.

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