Contract Killers
Contract Killers
| 11 March 2014 (USA)
Contract Killers Trailers

Cavalier contract killer Lee-Seng (Rob Young) flees his vengeful employer and a ruthless assassin (James Trevena-Brown) after failing to eliminate a team of vigilantes intent on ridding their city of drug dealers. Meanwhile, as the bullets start to fly, Lee-Seng searches for the truth about his mission while protecting a gorgeous woman (Renee Cataldo) who has gotten caught in the crossfire.

Michael Ledo

The film starts out with a plot and semi-subplot. Marshall (James Trevena-Brown) is a quiet guy who helps people in distress and is a hitman after dropping out of acting school. He works for Dario (Dallas Barnett ) who doesn't want him to date his niece Annabella (Renee Cataldo) at least until after he is dead.Lee-Seng (Rob Young) is contracted to kill the contact killers and Dario. Being a contract killer is great work. You get to wear all black with a restrictive black trench coat, sunglasses at night to impede your vision, and no gloves so you can leave your prints all over the crime scene. And most of you work takes place at night in no security parking garages and abandoned warehouses.The plot was fairly straight forward. No fancy twist or heavy thinking. The acting was stiff, even for an action film; not Seagal stiff, but fairly bad, especially Kerry Glamsch who played Callahan.Watchable if free.Parental Guide: F-bomb. Stripper nudity. No sex.

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CONTRACT KILLERS is a generic indie action film that hails from New Zealand. The plot is about a greenhorn hitman who finds himself targeted by a veteran assassin, with a battle of wits between the pair ensuing. It's a film bogged down by dark, cheap photography throughout and the usual indifferent performances and predictable scripting that this genre is known for. The one highlight is that the actors show off some good moves in the fight scenes, but these scenes are spoilt by a cameraman who shakes his camera around for no reason whatsoever. A static camera combined with precise editing would have produced better results.

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Firstly i need to know if there is a category below, way below a 'B' movie. Well i'm calling this a 'Z' movie. I didn't recognise any of these actors, they look like they were moonlighting from a really cheap daytime soap. The fight scenes looked like they'd been choreographed by the directors mother, just laughable. I continued to watch it, not out of any desire to see how the characters faired but just in a state of bewilderment. How could anyone deem this completely amateurish garbage worthy of release? By release i mean shipped to the discount DVD bin in Walmart, buried under the latest Segal abomination. Watch this film to critique its extremely poor quality or to fool your friends into thinking you've just acquired a sneak pre-release, then watch their faces as the movie unfolds. If you have a brain then you'll know in the first few minutes that this film is crap but alas some will watch the whole debacle then turn and say "hmmm not bad" at which point you terminate your friendship and point them to the exit.

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See the beginning, sleep, wake, turn off...if only I had done this...So we see a very predictable plot unfolding before our eyes, the acting is almost wooden...there is so much gun fire from guns which seem inexhaustible of bullets...we see armoured men blasting away with machine guns, unable to hit a barn wall...the "kung foo" action sequences are staged...not amasing...this is what I would describe as a "B" movie, the one before the main give it a 2 is actually more than deserved...To sum up is what I said at beginning, see the beginning, fall asleep, wake turn off...don't waste your time or money going to see a film which perhaps should not have made it from the cutting room floor..

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