Circus Kids
Circus Kids
| 09 October 1994 (USA)
Circus Kids Trailers

The circus group performs at the Shanfa Circus when a huge load of bombs crash on the stage and the performers try to find a home to live and get money for food.


Donnie yen only has a small part in this and Yuen Biao plays the lead. Wu Ma runs a circus and Yuen Biao is his top performer. Because of war going on they have to close the circus. David Lam Wai (co-star of Project A2) plays a clown who becomes a drug addict and ends up getting killed. Now the circus goes to take revenge on drug smugglers.The movie basically comes down to 2 main fight scenes. Yuen Biao takes on Ken Lo and Donnie Yen fights Bey Logan. The Yuen Biao fight starts out bad but gets a lot better once Ken Lo starts kicking. Then we have Donnie Yen vs. Bey Logan. This is one of the worst fight scenes ever filmed and I kid you not, it is worse than their fight in the Fist of Fury TV series from 2001. I don't think I have ever seen a worse Donnie Yen fight.

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This is a film that almost makes it, but falls short due to some faults in direction and screenplay. Firstly, it must be said that the film starts off a little strangely, and has a mixed introduction between some brilliant, well, circus-routines, and almost hurried character introductions. It was a little hard to keep up with things to begin with. But, once the film settles, it goes about taking us along with a misfit group of circus performers, who, outside of the circus, fail to fit in smoothly with the rest of the population. These difficulties are compounded by the Japanese bombings during the second world war.Yuen Biao, a trapeze artist within this group, is also an accomplished martial artist, and through various underworld dealings, he is forced to indulge in thee skills quite often. Unfortunately for him, Donnie Yen (the police superintendent) is quite often there to stop him. There are some nice mini action scenes between these two practitioners - you just need to be a little more patient than usual.Wu Ma is the father figure, the ringleader of both the circus and the family group. His values are quite old-world, and he refuses to trade honour for pure survival - a scene where he forces the children to return stolen food is pivotal.Although the film has a certain charm, there is a problem somewhere. I'm not sure if it's in the pacing of the scenes, or the attempt at resolving the many character ambitions, but, towards the end, a most of the detail has been lost, and we are faced with a pretty respectable string of action sequences. Yuen Biao is more of a brawler in this film, and his crisp clean kicks and flips are absent. In their place, there is more of a scrambling urgent style, (I think of some of the Dragonlord fighting when I remember this film). Donnie Yen seems criminally underused, and Bey Logan, the British writer/actor has a few scenes to show his physicality, and, he's not too bad.The balance between the dramatic and action elements is a little uneven, and it seems that maybe too much was aimed for, the price being a drop in quality in all areas. However, do not think that this film is forgettable as it does do some things well. The set design, cinematography and performances are pretty solid. It's just a shame that there was less of a coherent culmination of the elements.

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This movie left me with a serious case of Deja Vu. Somewhere somehow I know I have seen this movie before.................that's right Drunken Master 2. I have never seen to different movies so much alike before in my life. Let's go with the differences first. Yuen Biao is in a circus troupe and it has Donnie (My Favorite Martial Artist In The World) Yen in it.I could give you some details about the movie, but again if you've seen Drunken Master 2 (aka Legend of the Drunken Master), then this movie speaks for itself. Does that mean this movie is bad because of the similarities? By far that is a no. Circus Kids is a very good movie in it's own right. It's not the best Yen, or Biao movie, and it is certainly not the worst.

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Despite the fact that Circus Kid is probably the weakest film in Yuen Biao's absolutely brilliant filmography, this means that due to Yuen Biao's ridiculously brilliant high standards, this is still head and shoulders head of other martial arts films.Directed by Wu Ma, who one year earlier directed Yuen Biao in the all-tome classic Kickboxer, makes the best of a relatively poor script written by `gweilo in exile' Bey Logan. This film also stars Donnie Yen, who thankfully has few scenes in this film as his acting is stilted to say the least, although he stars in some fantastic fight scenes.The film focuses on a circus troupe who are bombed out by the Japanese (this film is set in the second world war). The troupe is headed by Wu Ma (who also directs), and features Yuen Biao as his apprentice. The troupe travel to Beijing and one of them gets a job in a factory, unknown to them, which sell opium. Donnie Yen plays a policeman.This film has a pretty poor script, thanks to Bey Logan, who also fights Donnie Yen. Bey Logan is terrible and very slow against the very fast Donnie Yen. Some of the twists the plot takes are illogical and takes Yuen Biao, and all his might to redeem this feature in some pretty spectacular fight scenes. Circus Kid also stars Lili Li, who makes a welcome comeback after Sang Kun's daughter in Young Master who fights Jackie Chan. (A piece of interesting trivia is that Yuen Biao played her brother in Young Master).Despite being probably the weakest film on Yuen Biao's incredible filmography, it has some fantastic fight scenes, a fantastic performance by Yuen Biao (do you expect anything else?), competent enough direction by Wu Ma, and is head and shoulders better than other martial arts movies. So if you get the chance, don't miss it.

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