Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again
Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again
| 05 December 2004 (USA)
Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again Trailers

Celebrated comedians Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, and Ron White are reunited by popular demand to bring back more of their blue collar humor. The first movie was a runaway hit and the latest installment of this concert experience allows you to once again see them perform their original material on stage, up close and personal, from the best seat in the house.


Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again reunited Ron White, Bill Engvall, Jeff Foxworthy and Larry The Cable GuyLike in the first film the guys come to the stage taking turns with telling jokes to get the crowd laughing.The first film was a hit and it was only wise to make a sequel and that's what we got.However I found that this film the two main guys who got me to laugh the most were Ron White and Bill Engvall they really brought it home with their stand off comedy and I was just rolling with laughing, Jeff Foxworthy did good as well and he did get me to laugh Larry The Cable Guy it's amazing how this guy even got a job to begin with as a stand up comic because his jokes barely get anyone to laugh because they are pretty much disgusting which I don't want to hear when I listen to jokes it just really ruined the enjoyment of watching this film.Thankfully with the DVD I just watch Bill and Ron because they are the true victors in this film with the crowd But if you're a fan you might want to give it a shot because there are some classic jokes hereI give Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again an 7 out of 10

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We really enjoyed the first Blue Collar Comedy Tour, it was funny without being offensive. I was very much offended by this second offering. In fact, by the time Larry the Cable Guy was 5 minutes into his start, I was finished. We begin with all the boys on the bus, and some 12 year old bathroom humor. Then we're taken to the stage and the long slide downhill begins.I'm not sure why the guys all decided to use raunchy sex as the linchpin for their comedy this time around, but it was bad. Probably most offensive was Ron 'tater salad' White. I know being 'drunk' is suppose to a part of his act, but I'm not sure it was an act...whatever, his 'jokes' were in bad taste and not really funny. Really, how long can you talk about dog poop? Or his 'riding' his wife? Bill Ingvall is usually on top of his game talking about his family, not this time. Again, we end up with too much information on his sexual issues. We did get a few 'here's your sign' comments, but some were refried.I was very disappointed start to finish, and ashamed that I had called my 85 year old mom to make sure she watched it. Thankfully, she had tuned out, as put off as I was. So, if you're into crude humor, drunken bores, and stupidity, then this is the one to watch. On the other hand, if you expect to see a repeat of the first Blue Collar, don't watch this. Put the original in again, enjoy that.

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Well What I can say is that it is the good old blue collar comedy guys. They are the best comedy gang ever. Given that this DVD is not as great as the first one. But one has to understand that these guys have been in this gig for such a long time that now, there is not a single subject that they have not touched. The stand up routing starts with Bill Englvall, being him self and pitching the most hilarious jokes about his family, and his signature "here's your sign"s. Then he is followed by Jeff Foxworthy, doing the best jokes about red necks. Then being followed by Ron white, he could have been better in this stand up, he has not come up with many new jokes, most of the jokes used have been published in his earlier works, but it is still quite funny. Then the show is brightened by Larry the cable guy and his crude sense of humor. And the show is ended with the best part of the entire DVD. All four comedians sit and "talk" need not to say it is quite funny as well. So in general the DVD is very nice, it would have been a perfect 10 if Ron white would have come up with some fresher jokes.

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It is very rare to come across a sequel even better than it's predecessor, but this has come that far. After seeing the first tour Movie, I wasn't sure how I would feel about this one, but I really loved it, and really, who wouldn't.The extra scenes, like on the first film, they show the guys on their tour bus, before, and after the show. To know exactly what I mean, you would have to see this movie.Most of the jokes on this DVD are new ones, and some are renewed jokes. Ron still smokes, Larry still prays, Jeff is still Jeff, and Bill is more of a redneck.I believe......if you liked the first movie, you might like this one right here, even more.

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