Bite Marks
Bite Marks
R | 17 June 2011 (USA)
Bite Marks Trailers

Truck-driver Brewster takes over his missing brother's delivery of a load of coffins to a funeral home. He picks up hitchhiking gay couple Cary and Vogel whose relationship is in trouble to help him stay awake but when his GPS leads them into a deserted junkyard, his truck breaks down, stranding them. Night falls, and the coffins reveal blood-thirty vampires. Now the mismatched trio must barricade themselves in the cab of the truck and try to survive until dawn...

Persa Verance

This movie was so much fun. I love a good, cheesy horror movie that is genuinely scary but also filled with moments of genuine OMGWTFRUN!!!!!If you're not yelling at the screen and looking through your fingers a good portion of the time, a horror movie's not doing its job. Add to that all the sexy and the gay and this lezzie was all about it.There need to be more gay and lezzie horror films that hit all the beats. The casting was brilliant. The actors have such chemistry and they were chewing the scenery in the best possibly way. And let me just say, Windham Beacham, Benjamin Lutz, John Werskey are a stellar trio. They fully inhabited their characters and made you care if they lived or died and David Alanson was charming (if frustrating, lol)Re-watched for a 3rd time, still screamed, laughed and cried. Also, can I just say how fabulous it is to have this super serious, totally relatable relationship processing going on during a deadly vampire attack? Brilliant.Benjamin brought the sleaze. I've seen most of his films and he's always lovely but he dug down deep into something and made me hate him. No small job. Honey, he was perfectly horrible. The horror was just gory enough to give you sufficient "EW" but also had a sense of humor that kept it from being gross or OTT.I just had fun watching this movie and I will definitely add it to my Queer Halloween Marathon this year..

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For a low budget movie, director Mark Bessenger does a lot to entertain you. Benjamin Lutz is great in his roll as Brewster and pairs well with the other two main characters (played by David Alanson and Wyndham Beacham), making for a great ride. The effects were fun, if a bit cheesy. And the movie never takes itself too seriously, which makes it much easier to forgive some of the effects of having no budget. (That and the fact that there's so much eye candy in this film (thank you for David Alanson:-)) Definitely recommend watching this one. Not sure if it would be as good watching it at home but it was great at a theater. Try catching it as it makes the festival circuit, you wont be disappointed.

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Truck-driver Brewster takes over his missing brother's delivery of a load of coffins to a funeral home. He picks up hitchhiking gay couple Cary and Vogel whose relationship is in trouble to help him stay awake but when his GPS leads them into a deserted junkyard, his truck breaks down, stranding them.Stephen Geoffreys (known to you either as a child star in horror or an adult star in gay porn) makes an appearance. I suppose that gives this film some sort of reason to see it, but not much.Really, if you want to see gay vampires, see "Vampire Boys". While this film is (believe it or not) better made, "Vampire Boys" is clearly intended more for the gay audience. This one tries to appeal to all with some topless girl... I will give them a point for referencing Cary Elwes, but then take that point away for ripping off the "Gremlins" theme song.Oh, and if you are at all homophobic, this is not the film for you. There is a scene that should not be bothersome, but if guys loving guys makes you squeamish, you will hate it.

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Okay so this is by no means an award winning feature... I'm not even sure if you could call it a B title but I rather enjoyed it for the most part.YES, it is cheesy! YES, it is lacking a budget! YES, it is not a masterpiece!But it is fun... David Alanson does a good job in his first feature role. And he's not bad on the eyes either. Windham Beacham, veteran of gay cinema, plays Alanson's lover and Benjamin Lutz in his second feature holds own as well.What I found rather interesting was the appearance of Stephen Geoffreys whom I have not seen in a feature since the 80's. Geoffreys' had left main stream cinema for a career in the adult industry for many years, under the names Sam Ritter and Stephan Bordeaux, and believe it or not was quite good as a hunky well chiseled power bottom.Is this something to run out in a panic to see? No... but it is worth a watch on Netflix or a rental on an otherwise boring night.I gave it 6 out of 10.

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