Best of the Best 3: No Turning Back
Best of the Best 3: No Turning Back
| 17 May 1995 (USA)
Best of the Best 3: No Turning Back Trailers

A martial arts instructor comes to the defense of a schoolteacher who has taken a stand against a local white supremacist organization.


You know how Tommy was raised by Native Americans? Well, his sister lives in the deep south, married to the local sheriff. Now, this area is in major trouble because we've got the old white supremacists out on the warpath, led by none other than R L Emery. There's this other guy who doesn't think Emery is white enough who, at the start of the film, bludgeons to death a black reverend while all his skinhead mates look on. And one of the skinheads is the teenage son of Dee Wallace Stone.Now that's a lot of story with no Tommy involved, right? It does take some time for him to show up but doesn't take much time for the old Nazis to get right on his case and also start hassling his sister. Didn't they watch Best of the Best 2? No one messes with Tommy's family! Eric Roberts isn't in this one by the way, and I think it was probably because his character took the rap for killing the bad guy in the last film. Otherwise I can't think of a reason how Tommy got away with breaking a guy's neck in front of a screaming crowd.Anyway, while a schoolteachers goes up against R Lee Emery (who doesn't get a credit here for some reason), Tommy goes up against the far more dangerous henchman, played by Drake from Aliens! Drake is all up for a bit of ethnic cleansing and gets his army of skinheads some hardware while Tommy breaks all their noses while dressed as a clown.Just when I thought this film was never going to get going Drake kidnaps Tommy's nephew and the fight is on! Tommy and the guy from Happy Gilmore head off to the Nazi compound and start wasting their way through a skinhead army in a whirlwind of machine gun fire, explosions, and even an M80 machine gun. Thank God for that.Tommy also directs this one (under the pseudonym Phillip Rhee) so you'll have to ask him how Tommy manages to kick three guys off three separate bikes using just two legs, or how we see the schoolteacher getting attacked in her home, then cut to Tommy on his bike, then cut back to the schoolteacher's house where Tommy suddenly appears.It's okay this one once it gets going. The big battle at the end kind of makes up for all the drama and such like so there's not much to worry about there.

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Part one was about teamwork...part two was about this third chapter of the Best of the Best series, Tommy Lee finds himself fighting for the greatest prize of all: salvation. A lot of people look at this movie as a step down for the Best of the Best series, but in my opinion, it isn't. If anything, it was a growing step up until Without Warning (the fourth Best of the Best) was created.Picking up from the events of Best of the Best 2, Tommy has left his good friend Alex Grady behind and comes to Liberty to see his sister Karen, brother-in-law Jack (who's the town Sheriff), his nephew Justin and Luther, Justin's friend who's father is a preacher who goes missing earlier in the film. Tommy is glad to see his family and is enjoying the love and warmth that he receives, but when he learns that local supremacists have taken over the town and are responsible for the death of Luther's father, Tommy must decide whether or not to use his lethal skills again in order to help the locals take back their home from predators who use fear as a weapon and violence against the innocent just because they're 'different'.A lot of people think that this Best of the Best just follows a tired old cliché story that people have seen and heard hundreds of times before. Yes, the topic at hand does revolve around racial conflict, but in this story, the victims in this decide to butch up and fight back. Most movies I've seen about 'hate crimes' in the past have the same plot: a hate crime is committed, people want to come forward but are too scared for fear of retaliation from the haters, the law does all they can to put a stop to it but are unable to and the people who are victims just try to rely on religion alone to get them through the incident. But how often do we see movies where those who are unjustly persecuted for their race decide to take a stand against that kind of tyranny and terrorism? The movie has many messages mainly about redemption and salvation. Tommy is trying to live a life of peace, but the supremacists make that extremely difficult and force him to use lethal countermeasures to put a stop to their bullying and he hopes and prays that the situation won't result in more death at his hands.Another message in this film is that even if you despise violence, you have to be ready to use it at a moment's notice. Nobody likes violence and would like to resolve conflicts without it...but violence is all some people know in this world. And the enemy won't learn anything about respecting another individual's rights until someone 'teaches' it to them. And rest assured, Phillp Rhee's character has a lot of teaching to do in this film.Basically put, there's plenty of gunfights galore, high-kicking action, explosive pyrotechnics and behind it all, a message about being ready to go to war if you ever want peace on your land. That's the main thing everyone should pay attention to when they watch this film...God knows, it got my attention.

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White supremacists taking over the town. An Aryan brotherhood preacher shocked to find out that his message of hate has been translated into extreme violence. Lots of use of racial epithets, including the "N" word.But into town rides a saviour. An Asian martial arts expert that is hurting because he killed a man. He won't let these skinheads terrorize the local people of color.They didn't need a scriptwriter for this one. It has been done many times. The clichés pour out and the martial arts exhibitions are just so-so. The only real violence (the death of the Black preacher) was done off-camera. The rest was standard knife and gun action with a few explosions.They had a chance to make something interesting in this film starring Gina Gershon. More action between her and the Asian lead would have spiced it up to a watchable story.I am not inclined to see Best of the Best 1, 2 or 4.

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this movie represents a step down in quality from the first two movies in the me,it's basically a run of the mill story,with a setting that has also been done fact,it's almost a carbon copy of at least one other movie.and they don't really add anything new to it.also missing are the spectacular fight scenes from number two.there are plenty of fights,but they are pretty much ho-hum.the action is boring for the most part.there are some plot holes and inconsistencies.that normally wouldn't be a problem,except that they are very obvious.and since the film itself isn't very exciting,it's much easier to focus on the negative.the other problem is the acting,not so much from the main c characters,but the other characters.i won't say too much in that regard,other than--it was bad.when you put it all together,this film does not live up to the standard of the first isn't the worst movie of the genre,but it isn't very good either.for me,it's a 3/10,at best.

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