Basket Case
Basket Case
R | 02 April 1982 (USA)
Basket Case Trailers

A young man carrying a big basket that contains his extremely deformed, formerly conjoined twin brother seeks vengeance on the doctors who separated them against their will.


This very much reminded me of The Deadly Spawn (1983). Both are tatty horrors based on a silly premise. It is well worth watching though and this enjoyable romp through the trials and tribulations of having a separated Siamese twin that can telepathically communicate, this can be enjoyed by all insane people. This really is silly but it is entertaining. The effects are spot on. The story is spot on. The whole package is great although don't expect anything highbrow.

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This is one of those movies that you watch and think who in the h*ll dreamed this up. It's super low budget, but super creative too. Just really freaking weird! If you like David Lynch or John Waters movies, you will love this sick little gem. It's a film that you'll never forget . . . no matter how hard you might try. If you can watch it with Joe Bob Briggs on Shudder, it's even better!

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.....right up there with Evil Dead and The Re-Animator, however...With "Basket Case" what you have here is a low-budget horror film that has an utterly fantastic plot, but unfortunately was made with only a passably mediocre level of execution. Also the fact that it was made back in the early 80's on a slim budget, does much in explaining why virtually every frame of it looks painfully dated. However, short-comings aside, the films strongest attribute would undoubtedly have to be it's diabolical devious plot, which is simply wicked as hell to the core. At the same time I can't help but think how great Basket Case (and all the wickedly twisted material that comes along with it) could have been in more capable hands - it could have been taken to the next level. For instance who knows how great this could have been if Sam Raimi had directed it. One wonders... but regardless of that Basket Case certainly has it's moments of brilliance, be sure of that, a few of which are simply enthralling - in a corny, low-budget kind of way of course.The movies plot is one that circles around revenge, but it's really more than that as you'll see throughout it's twisted 90 minute duration, starting off with murder things are quite off-the-wall from the get go. Basket Case offers us many different colorful moods and moments (such as loose-lipped drunkenness, serial killings, telepathic interplay, voyeurism, dream perversions, etc.) and yet unfortunately that also causes the movie to be inconsistent and vary drastically in it's ability to entertainment - which is bound to frustrate some viewers. All this results in a film that's as uneven as it is singularly unusual, in other words: when Basket Case is at it's best, it's thrilling, however when not thrilling it can (and does) get quite boring at times and even downright irritating. **Note the amount of shrill screaming heard throughout the film.** It's a lot even for a horror film. But when looking at the whole picture the good usually prevails over the bad, "the bad" such as Kevin Van Hentenryck's hilariously bad hair. Is that a dead woodchuck on top of his head or what?! Being as specific about it as I can without giving away spoilers, I think most will agree that the movie is at it's best during the revenge killing sequences, where you get to see the basket case itself in it's full and gruesome glory. Which brings us to the effects. The effects that were used to bring the monstrosity to life sure couldn't have cost much and are primitive at best, but at the same time are pretty effective, especially the close-ups of it's face (which are punctuated by a series of funny moans and a few screams). Not to mention the film has a few wonderfully corny stop-motion sequences to enjoy, those are certainly good for a chuckle. But beyond that... well let's just say the effects-budget sputter's out pretty quickly after that. Oh yeah, keep a heads up for the scene when "it" evades detection by hiding in the toilet (when the police are in the room scanning for clues). Wait for that toilet seat to rise, now THAT'S quality schlock AND comedy gold!All in all Basket Case is a lot of fun (some scenes especially), just don't expect it to ever rise above anything other then what it is: a cheap and corny horror film from the early 80's.Lastly, if Basket Case doesn't tantalize you, then perhaps it's two sequels from the early 90's will.

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"Basket Case" is a great, low-budget shlock horror/comedy from the early 80's. It involves two brothers and their plot to get revenge. "Basket Case" has an appealing low-budget feel to it, and Kevin Van Hentenryck is very likable as Duane. Belial, the deformed twin, is an oddly sympathetic character. Yes, the film contains some scenes that many will find sick and depraved, but it also contains some truly haunting images. Actually, this movie is about the love between two brothers and the jealousy / anger that develops when one of them falls in love. There is a certain warmth beneath all that goo! Along the way, we are treated to many scenes of mutilation and depravity, as only Frank Henenlotter can deliver.This movie does supply emotion, and is very touching at the end. Gus Russo supplies the soundtrack for this movie. When you see the end of "Basket Case", Gus Russo's music blends in beautifully with the scene and makes this scene very sad. Oh, and the setting is worth the watch as well when NYC was gritty and infested with drugs and prostitutes. However, it is an interesting idea. There were moments in this movie that were so funny (that I don't think were meant to be). Some of the characters are over the top. There were some scenes (particularly the really bad stop-animation scenes) that made me wince in their low quality. One thing is for certain though - this is a one-of-a-kind horror experience. I would say that any horror fan should have this in their collection, if you don't already.Overall rating: 7 out of 10.

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