NR | 23 October 2009 (USA)
Antichrist Trailers

A grieving couple retreats to their cabin 'Eden' in the woods, hoping to repair their broken hearts and troubled marriage. But nature takes its course and things go from bad to worse.


Not much to spoil here, so I'm not even going to bother with a spoiler warning.OK then... there was a time when some people thought "let's do just anything, anything, whatever, and they will call us artists..." Those times are over, even in Danmark.Lars von Trier made some decent movies over the years (Dancer in the Dark, etc), but this guy is just sooooo over the top. It is very clear to me that he has no clue what he wants to do, or what he wants to say, and he hides it behind offensive, artsy bullcrap. Sorry dude, this might have worked in the sixties... but grow the F up, this is the 21st century....This film is a clear example of having nothing to say, having no clue how to say it, and leave it up to the audience to decide, but wait: this is wrapped into a gory, bloody, offensive, unappealing, and confusing package, without any kind of connection to the audience, to... like pretty much anything. I don't know who she is, who he is, who the kid is, why she is (apparently) insane, why they are having sex all the time, and I just don't care if they live or die. The whole thing is just distant, and does not provoke any thoughts. This is a failure on all levels. This is not art, this is just something that wants to look like art, but fails in doing so.Crap.

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A couple have sex while their infant child falls to his death. She suffers from immense and powerful grief. He works as a therapist and against all reasonable advice decides to treat her grief himself. He is egotistical, controlling and condescending. He insists on taking her to their cabin in the woods, the root of a terrible fear she is experiencing. He pays a terrible price for having the temerity to believe he can control life by force of reason and will. This movie is ... a trial. I love it.

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There are some movies out there that are disturbing not only in their content, but also in their genuine quality. Who knew that a film featuring dead babies, self mutilation, and bloody semen could be such a masterpiece? And a surprisingly poetic one at that?! Well, with this brilliant, provocative, and bone chilling experimental film, Lars Von Trier proves that any subject matter and any imagery can be weaved into a great, and objectively flawless (on a technical level) work of art. Trier avoids pretension despite making this film as "artsy" as it seems possible, and he is able to do such by creating a clever, shocking story that consumes the viewer in a brilliantly paced, relentlessly explicit manner. While I am praising this film with extreme enthusiasm, it is likely to be too disturbing, twisted, and odd for most moviegoers, so I cannot exactly recommend it like I do many other films I give a perfect score. However, for those that can can handle the grotesque visuals, heavy subject matter, and discomforting style, "Antichrist" is a feast for the eyes, mind, and heart-a feast that may seem excessive at times, but nonetheless enthralling. Divisive, controversial, loaded with tons of disgusting sex and violence, Trier proves his immense talent and bravery with this horror masterwork."Antichrist" was a movie bound to receive gallons of both hatred and praise from the start, and I do not blame viewers who do not like this movie. It's not for everyone, or most people even, which is part of the reason why I hesitate to recommend it. It isn't just because some of the content is a bit strong for the average person to handle, but it's also because the film itself is so experimental, slow, and strange in its approach that it may not appeal to many, who will probably find it to be a self indulgent mess of wasted talent and needlessly gross imagery/concepts. But, I tend to believe that this is a masterpiece that just so happens to require heavily acquired taste for the viewer to take anything meaningful and positive from the experience. Some fans of "Antichrist" may be sadists or arrogant film students, and some detractors may misinterpret it by calling it "sexist" (it's more of a subtle, largely neutral commentary on the origins and most ancient types of misogyny than a work that endorses said concept) or labeling it as a stupid, pretentious, "artsy-fartsy" pile of art-house retard sh*t, and I oppose both sides. i just like a good movie, and it just so happens that "Antichrist" is not only a good movie, it's a great one, one jam packed with meaning, intelligence, surrealism (as well as realism), beauty, psychological terror, claustrophobic chills, and much more.

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Anders Dondes Christensen

This film is without doubt, only for people with a strong stomach. The film slowly increases it's level of grotesque, and uses many elements you won't see in most movies. Charlotte Gainsbourg shows impressive acting throughout the film, in different ways. This movie scares indirectly, and without exaggerating caricature. Setup is perfectly combined with the payoff, and as other Von Trier pieces, it's original. This is clearly not for everyone, but if you have a strong stomach and a bit of courage, i recommend you to watch it.

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