All Superheroes Must Die
All Superheroes Must Die
NR | 04 January 2013 (USA)
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Masked vigilantes Charge (Jason Trost), Cutthroat (Lucas Till), The Wall (Lee Valmassy), and Shadow (Sophie Merkley) are rendered powerless by their archenemy (James Remar) and are forced to complete a series of deadly tasks in order to save the lives of more than 100 innocent civilians. Should they fail or refuse to cooperate, the entire town will be destroyed. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi

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ALL SUPERHEROES MUST DIE is an indie superhero flick with a novel premise and terrible execution. I'd best describe it as DEATH TUBE meets KICK-ASS, although if you're looking for a good, wacky take on this now-popular genre, I'd go for SUPER instead. A bunch of costumed superheroes are kidnapped and held by an evil mastermind, played by genre old-timer James Remar. They're forced into playing various deadly games, but the film takes a cheap, psychological approach, which means that very little happens. Inevitably this is too slow and stilted to succeed.

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This film could have been so much more and showed some promise but ultimately didn't deliver when it counted.I liked the dirty gritty feel the film tried to deliver but it wasn't consistent flicking between dark and gritty to neon and colourful.The thing that let the film down for me, other than the cheesy 90's flashbacks, was the appalling acting. It was the acting and choise of cast that really told me that this was a budget/student film. Nobody was believable or convincing in the roles they played. I'd have to question why this was committed to DVD format rather than just being left online for people to watch for a bet or dare. I only awarded this film 3/10 because it was marginally better than the other film I watched earlier which only got 2 stars.

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I am not sure why so many people are posting negative reviews about All Superheroes Must Die. Making a movie is not easy, especially when you don't have a budget. So I commend Jason Trost and everyone involved with this movie. All SuperHeroes Must Die is by any means not a great movie. In Fact it is mediocre at best. however with that being said, it definitely isn't a bad movie as many of these 1 reviews state. Of course film is subjective, the film is a serviceable take on the superhero genre without any money. Sure it has it's problems, but what film doesn't? I recommend this movie on the simple fact that it did what it was suppose to do, Entertain me. After all isn' that why we watch movies?

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When a movie is small budget, it doesn't automatically make it bad, on the contrary I have seen a lot of movies which were fairly successful in their own ways no matter what they cost the filmmakers. It just takes a fair amount of creativity,imagination and quick thinking that usually overcomes the obstructions it brings. Unfortunately these are the skills the director lacks here. The idea is fairly good. Four heroes, stripped of their powers, must play a deadly game in a town under siege by a maniacal man, played by James Remar no less. Think of Saw meets the Avengers, I heard. The end result is far, far from what I had hoped though. The heroes origins are never explained, instead using some flashbacks about their past which amount to nothing at all. The director says he made this to trick the viewer into becoming a fish-out-of-water, just like the heroes, but then why are the flashbacks there? Other than Charge, the heroes barely get screen time and the deadly games they play is all the same, just kill one another. There is a small twist near the end about Charge's origins but it really doesn't make a lot of sense. And the plot holes are a plenty. How can he triangulate Rickshaw's signal by just marking the map? Why does the villain have goons in animal costumes? What's with the two villains and the inability to cut a fuse? How come the whole town is rigged with cameras and Rickshaw doesn't see Charge approach him? There are many like this, and the worst is the suddenly- cut-to-black ending, which no wonder will make you disappointed. I really wanted to like this film but viewers need and deserve more, it is commendable to shoot a movie with little money and time. But at least it could have a decent script.

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