Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa
Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa
PG-13 | 27 February 2014 (USA)
Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa Trailers

When famous DJ Alan Partridge’s radio station is taken over by a new media conglomerate, it sets in motion a chain of events which see Alan having to work with the police to defuse a potentially violent siege.


Despite there not being many episodes of it the character of Alan Partridge has become an iconic comedy character in the UK, so it was no surprise that eventually some bright spark would try to make a full length film.It's not a bad film to be honest. It ticks all the right boxes in terms of laughs per scene but really it's all on Steve Coogan's head to make a silly set up work.I can see the fascination with the character and the film, but for me I didn't find it that funny or indeed that engaging. I think the character works in small doses but to sit through a full length film of someone doing clearly irrational things did not make a good time for me.

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Sorry but I didn't laugh once.I like Alan Partridge the TV series but I cannot see why so many seem to find this film funny. Someone said laugh a minute, well I didn't. It was puerile and silly with a storyline that could have been funny but wasn't. There were opportunities to make this funny but these were missed big time. I couldn't help thinking that it was a short sketch stretched out to fill the time needed to make it into a movie. I fortunately watched this on DVD and towards the end fast forwarded some as I was losing the will to live. Sadly I have to use more lines (imdb stop this silly restriction) and I cannot think of anything else to say about this tripe.

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Adam Peters

(53%) First of all I've never been a huge fan of the hapless broadcasting buffoon, his TV shows in the nineties were fine in small doses, but never anything I felt I must watch. So despite the good reviews I wasn't a big enough fan to grab myself a cinema ticket, and by and large in hindsight I'm glad I didn't. Not that this is a bad big screen effort, it's just that the show worked on subtlety with very little actually happening, this in an attempt to be more fitting for the big screen has tonnes, so something has been lost along the way; but then again the TV show was if anything a little too subtle and sluggish at times. Overall this is something that Partridge fans will cherish, but it doesn't do a great deal to win me over.

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Bento de Espinosa

There is a problem with this movie: you will watch it probably only because you know the Alan Partridge TV show, but if you know the show, then you won't like this movie so much.It's comedy, but even a comedy must make some sense in order to be funny. The silliness of this story is so big, it overshadows the few jokes and since almost everything happens at just one place, it really drags.I don't get it: why not make a good movie using the successful concept of the original TV series, which made Alan Partridge and Steve Coogan so famous, with Alan as a TV host, interpolated with some moments of his private life? This should be done while Steve still isn't too "old" for that.

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