| 30 March 2000 (USA)
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    I sincerely believe a revival of the show could do well on a platform like or similar to Netflix or Hulu, but I would hope the language and content would not get out of hand.I would be okay with having NAMI and similar organizations on board for consultation, but the show should also depict people who abuse the system even if they take their medications as prescribed.

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    Switzerland is amazing... Between the three national linguistic areas ("swiss German", French and Italian), who *each* have *two* TV channels, we pretty much get almost all of the best American and British TV shows there are. And most of the time, thanks to double-channel audio, with the original English sound!We got to discover TWIN PEAKS probably first in Europe (at least on the continent, not sure about the U.K. ...), it started in Germany six months later. Just one example.Three or four years ago, I discovered Wonderland late at night, and surely was absolutely riveted. I wrote to the (german swiss) channel who'd broad-casted it to thank them for selecting it, and they seemed obviously delighted someone had appreciated their choice...Couple of nights ago, I found it running again. It was the episode where Dr. Lyla Garrity (Michelle Forbes) has suddenly to give birth to her child while visiting an innovative institution... I guess this is the "cliffhanger" someone mentioned here: the baby's fine, but she is in very bad shape, in a coma when reaching the hospital... and we don't get to know the end of it, of course...Everything that needed to be said has been said here about Wonderland. So I'll just silently mourn once more how such a jewel was put to sleep against all odds - but we learn to be thankful when something good lasts on TV.I'll finish with an apology in the name of the European Community. And that would be: for the blunt stupidity of Wylie_Times from Sweden, stating that, supposedly, "as soon as something good comes along there's hundreds of protest groups immediately calling it offensive" AND that this is "Just typical America". Simplification is still the easiest way, and the easiest way still the favorites choice of so many. I'm not saying I'd never take this kind of shortcuts, I know I'm human. It still horrifies me when I see others taking them, though.Will they ever put WONDERLAND on DVD?

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    Wonderland too good for television? I think not, guys. Here's the real reason why the network pulled the plug on this garbage: real mental patients, such as those represented by the National Alliance For The Mentally Ill, banded together and protested this show in such huge numbers that sponsors began pulling their advertising from the show en masse. The network had no choice but to cancel the show, lest it become entirely bereft of sponsors through the efforts of real mental patients who found this show grossly offensive.Now think about that: a show set in a mental hospital gets the thumbs down from mental patients, including myself. Puts all the positive comments given to this dreck in place, doesn't it?

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    With the departure of the superb Homicide series last year, I did not expect to see another show that would be as dense with detail and as intelligently written again, never mind anytime soon. Well, it has aired only one episode so far, but Wonderland is a remarkable piece of work. The pace is faster than Homicide and the storylines are perhaps even edgier (given the setting is an urban psychiatric hospital, this was, I suppose, inevitable). It is great to see the remarkably talented Michelle Forbes working again. Ted Levine and Martin Donovan (remember Hal Hartly's Trust?) are two of the other fine actors who make up this talented ensemble cast. Like Homicide, the characters are multi-faceted, vulnerable and living on the edge in very stressful lives. The opening episode shows a central character who is pushed to an emotional breaking point by events that result in a reaction not unlike one of his patients. It is as if someone had seen Samuel Fuller's Shock Corridor and decided to make a Homicide style series out of it. If the first episode is an accurate indication, this series will be a keeper.

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