The Norm Show
The Norm Show
TV-14 | 24 March 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    "THE NORM SHOW," in my opinion, is an absolute ABC classic! I haven't seen every episode, but I still enjoyed it. It's hard to say which episode was my favorite. However, I think it was always funny when a mishap occurred. I always laughed at that. In addition, I really loved the theme song. Despite the fact that it was a short-lived series, it was nice that all of the main characters had stayed with the show throughout its entire run. It seems that no one stays with a show throughout its entire run. Everyone always gave a good performance, the production design was spectacular, the costumes were well-designed, and the writing was always very strong. In conclusion, I hope someone brings it back on the air for fans of the show to see.

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    I recently grabbed an old VHS I had in my closet and popped it in. On that tape were about 12 episodes from this series. I had forgotten how funny it was. I'm glad I saved the tape.It's humour was far from highbrow though--much closer to Married With Children and The War At Home. Norm always makes me laugh--even in his weird cheese sitcom that came out years later.Release this series on DVD please. With all the crap releases we see all the time, there has got to be room for this show. Just a few special features are needed. I'd be happy to have it near bare bones even, like Newsradio is doing. Just release it on the DVD format.

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    Norm MacDonald is a funny man. He really shined as Weekend Update anchor on SNL and it was a shame when NBC canned him (especially after seeing the unfunny anchors that followed). He was even funnier when he did the talk-show circuit, where he would always crack up hosts and audiences with his off-the-wall improvisational wit. Now giving him his own show is a great idea, but not if your just using his name and presence without really utilizing his talents.What they've done here is stick Norm Macdonald in a really run-of-the-mill sitcom. Granted, it may be one of the better sitcoms, but it's a sitcom nonetheless. And if you've got half a brain and have seen the comedies of the past, you'll notice there is nothing new here. Old jokes, old situations, little substance. It's a cookie-cut genre that takes Norm's humor for granted.If one positive thing has arisen from the series, it has been keeping Norm in the spotlight so he continues to pop up on late-night TV to promote it, therefore setting the stange for classic spontaneous Normisms!

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    This is a great show. It is funny, and possibly ABC's best show ever. I suggest you watch it every Wednesday.

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