The Man Show
The Man Show
TV-MA | 15 June 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    S.R. Dipaling

    One reviewer described this as a show that made fun of women,particularly the wives or girlfriends of the hosts,Jimmy Kimmel and Adam CArrola. While the women in the show aren't spared the ridicule,I felt like this show was as much a debasement(all in fun,of course)of men and what appeals to males in general. The first four or five seasons of the show were fun,albeit not the kind of fun you'd proudly announce you enjoyed to mixed company. Jimmy and Adam have a relaxed comedic style and the show kept the material breezy enough that the sexism was obvious and fairly easy to dismiss. The last season or two with Joe Rogan and Doug Stanhope I barely watched,as it seemed barely watchable. My question about that was:why was the show still on Comedy Central? Neither Rogan or Stanhope are funny and the dumb,loose-necked sketch comedy was replaced with mostly "Fear FActor" style gross-outs and a mean-spirited approach to their chauvinism. My opinion of course.As said before,hardly the hallmark of great television,but if you enjoy dumb comedy mixed with healthy doses of ribaldry,this show works.

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    Mind you, I've only seen Season One so far. I don't have Comedy Central, so I never got the chance to watch the show on TV. I just started buying the DVDs. Boy, I was missing out on a lot! It's absolutely the show that all us guys need! Now that we're living in a time where everything has to be PC, it's great to see a show like this that urinates on the mere concept of political correctness. Any woman who complains about this show should consider this: Women have the Oxygen Network, the WE Network, the Lifetime Channel, the Lifetime Movie Channel. All us guys ask for is 30 freakin' minutes! You have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to watch your heartbreaking stories about babies getting switched at birth. Hell, if women had a show where they mock the idiosyncrasies of men and celebrate womanhood, I wouldn't complain. Oh, yeah, that's right. They have that already. It's called "The View"! And if that show had guys in thongs jumping around in trampolines, I'm not going to stand outside the studio and picket the show. Besides, "The Man Show" mocks males, just as much as it does females. All the guys talk about is beer, sports, junk food, sex, porno, masturbation, hot girls--and did I mention sex and porno? Some women (I emphasize the word "some," because they are actually a good deal of females who enjoy this show) have to realize that the show pokes fun at the potentially shallow minds of men as well. I always felt that's one of the best things about guys: we're not afraid to poke fun at ourselves. The show's probably more demeaning to men than it is to women. I agree with one previous comment that at times Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Corolla make it too obvious that they're reading from teleprompters. But that's one of my very minor quibbles about the show. My favorite segment is "Helpful Hints from Adult Film Stars." Two of the segments thankfully contain Jenna Jameson, who is one of the more beautiful adult film stars. Speaking of beautiful women, you gotta love those juggies! My favorite one is Heather--who also appears in the opening montage. The show's theme song is catchy, and I can't help but sing along every time I hear it--though I still can't make out all the lyrics. The Fox is the man, and I was so sad to find out just now as I checked his bio that he died in 2000. As I said, I never got the chance to watch the show when it was on air, so I didn't catch the news of his death. His legacy will definitely live on! And every show ends with girls on trampolines--the icing on the cake. If the show is too crude for your taste, that's your own prerogative. But if you're offended, you obviously can't take a joke. Ever heard of "political correctness is the enemy of comedy"? How else can you explain the success of "All in the Family'? As long as there's no mean intentions behind the humor, it's all in good fun. End of story. In the words of the late Fox, "ziggy zoggy, ziggy zoggy, hoy hoy hoy"! (8 out of 10)

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    The bottom line: this show is not funny.Other than beer and women, there is not much that makes this show a "man" show. And despite your feelings on the political incorrectness of the show, the main thing is that it is very lame entertainment. It is rarely funny, even in a stupid way. It seems pretty obvious that Adam and Jimmy just contrived this show as a way to get a paycheck, drink beer, and hang out with hot chicks. Great fun for them, but why would we want to watch?? I'll be happy when Comedy Central stops showing this dreck.

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    I very much enjoyed the work that Adam Corrola did on 'Loveline', even though that show was a teen-age sex self-indulgence-fest. I loved Jimmy Kimmel on 'Win Ben Stein's Money'. They are both very smart, very funny men. I am not yet ready to say comedic geniuses, but it is damn close.This show is horrible. It is the worst portrayal of everything that is wrong with men. And hey, I am a guy. It has a few funny parts, but mostly it is a fart-filled, beer drinking, T&A extravaganza. Now, if that is your boat, hop on and set sail. But if you are a thinking member of the male of our species, don't waste your time. It's terrible.

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