The Island with Bear Grylls
The Island with Bear Grylls
| 05 May 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Men without women - thriving. Women without men - starving.

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    Speaking for myself as an older, mature woman, I am absolutely disgusted with this so called 'reality' tv. I'd never seen it before,, so began watching the 1st episode which focused on how the women were doing. I understand that many/most of this cast has no/little experience in the wild, but that's no excuse for the lack of basic common sense. Every single moment of it so far is completely frustrating, to the point where I simply can't watch it anymore. Shame on Bear Grylis for producing such utter crap, trying to promote it as 'reality'.

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    James Moore

    I'm so so so disappointed with this show. Instead of being about a group of people surviving on an island (as the show says it is), this show/season is just about a bunch of people sitting on the beach for 6 weeks bitching about each other and slowly starving to death. Below is a list of what is in the show that should not be, and a list of what is missing.Things that ruin this show for me: People sitting around bitching about each other. All the time. Waiting 10 days before looking for food? So much sitting doing nothing, waiting to starve. So many camera shots of rude jokes, innuendos, loose bikinis, people pooping etc. What has any of that got to do with surviving on an island? 70% of each episode is like a cheap knock-off of "I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here".Things that are missing from this show: Where is the "right lets get water, and make beds, shelters, traps (land and sea). Where is the trying to "thrive"? Where is their urgency? Where is making things? Beds, Huts? Traps traps traps. Every day they should be proactive. Why no scavenger teams being sent out after storms? To find nets, ropes, pots, bottles, etc.? I could go on and on. There is just no proactive survival at all in this show/season 3. It's just cheap girl fights and bitching and drama. Like some cheap soap. (But on an island)From day 3 or 4 onward they could have had food most (if not every) day. Lovely huts with raised beds, etc.If it was me and my mates stuck on an island, we would go go go go until we had pretty much built a house, had a water and food supply and then sit back and enjoy.Come on Bear Grylls, make a real island survival show and less of this reality TV drama rubbish. Ps: Good job it's only 6 weeks of survival and not 10 weeks, because they would all be dead.

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    I swear to god, I can't stand the bickering and the nonsense you have to be listening while watching this show. The only reason really you would be watching it is because of Bear Grylls' name on the title. I mean, if he thinks he's smart, he should've required every participant to be better at socialising and a brain! You would definitely want a show to enjoy, not to be depressing about. Sure, I know it's on an island and there's a lack of food around but for god sakes, the teams never stop moaning and yelling at each other. This actually reminds me of "I'm a Celebrity" but this is wayyyyyyy worse! I don't understand why this got a 7.7 rating because I don't think it really deserves it in my opinion. That's why I've given this a 1 rating, it's just baloney and car trash :/

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