TV-14 | 21 March 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Contrary to other theme-based shows, such as hospitals (E.R., Scrubs more importantly), hotels (Jamie Foxx Show) and crime scenes (CSI + spin-offs), "Teachers" is situated mostly in and around an fictional school and gives us a realistic view on how school life is from the eye of a teacher. While this element might be a bit overdone at some points (it is unlikely that all teachers go to the pub, every night, with their colleagues - not to mention the excessive smoking by all staff members), it does not raise doubts about the reliability of how situations are coped with. If we compare this to far from the truth patient-doctor relationships in Scrubs, miraculous survivals in E.R. and questionable research methods in Crime Scene Investigation, the impression is accurate at least.Themes in this show vary from teacher-student problems, (the lack of) a sex and/or love life, school events, alcohol, smoking, relationships with colleagues (even cheating with them), maturity and the choice of be(com)ing a teacher. Simon for example, constantly struggles whether he has made the right decision to be a teacher, whereas Matt definitely seems to be having trouble with being faithful and Kurt and Brian have relationship issues -- most relations are purely sexual and usually end up in a catastrophe and are therefor even rumored to have a homosexual relationship.The teachers are portrayed as very normal human beings, something that a student may forget at that age, or not even think of. But we're all humans after all - teachers cope with sometimes even the same problems as their students; including hangovers and love. You might even say that teachers are not as adult and grown-up as they should be theoretically. From an educational aspect only, it looks as if they are all quite in the wrong business. Though this changes through the course of the episodes, where the actual teaching seems to be educationally correct.The balance between humor and serious issues seems to be fair and quite random. This is not the sort of show I would stay home for, but definitely to watch when I bump into it. The jokes are mostly unpredictable, while some others lean on clichés and easy puns, for instance; the mispronunciation of 'Mr. Dong' instead of 'Mr. Chong', after the school principle has been looking below Bob's belt and then directs herself at Mr. Chong, an Asian man who is presumably visiting or inspecting the school that day.The changing of the cast in every season may be frustrating at times, but on the other hand is a realistic view on how things happen at a school. After all, teachers tend to get fired, get promoted, or (take a) leave. Every cast member has their own personality, with the problems that come along with it, including divorce, cheating on your partner, obesity, homosexuality, height, problems with several body features (it is for instance suggested that the size of Kurt's penis is below average) and so on. They might not be all be very detailed, but they give one the feeling you can relate to (at least one of) the teachers.A definitive plus and highly recommended.

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    This one is amazing! Kinde of a parody about the school systems. Funny, very funny. I liked Lindsy and Ben, they had some interesting things to say, though they both were a bit strange. Every single character in this TV program was good, but yet not perfect. promised to keep secrets and did not. maybe that is the reason i liked this TV program - something real - but yet not to real, just real enough to make you like it - and unreal enough to keep you not bored. It also teaches you things - well, it is called "Teachers" for a good reason, I mean they maybe did not succeeded in teaching the children on their classes, but they did tough us some lessen. A lesson which I am not going to forget soon. and not only soon - never!

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    I have watched every episode of teachers, and I think they are great!It is funny, has a great cast and filled with excellent scenes!I just hope they make another series, as the first was amazing!

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    The First time Andrew Lincoln came to British Screens, was in the cult TV show "This Life" in which he played a quirky, neurotic and often confused lawyer. The reason the two series of "This life" were so good was due to the rich array of characters who played off one another so nicely, and a strong story line that was fast paced, witty and realistic.Teacher's feels like it was written as a vehicle to show case the strongest characteristics of Lincoln's character in "This life". His character, Simon, in teachers is even more neurotic and confused about life than Egg was. On paper this sounds like it runs the risk of type-casting Lincoln and ruining the show from the out set. In reality Lincoln manages to pull it off; in fact he does so, so superbly that he avoids all the clichés and pitfalls and really shines.While Andrew Lincoln twinkles his socks off, the rest of the cast refuse to be out done, Raquel Cassidy and nina Sosanya who play susan and jenny Respectively, do so subtly if not sublimely again avoiding the clichés, and Simon's two slobby mates (also teachers) Brian and Kurt played by Adrian Bower and Navin Chowdhry, provide the perfect foil for Simons ever growing neurosis. At the end of the day, Teachers again has a strong storyline with a lot of fast paced humour and wit, while maintaining a degree of realism and showing teaching from both sides of the black board, teachers has all the potential and as I'm sure time will show has all the makings of a cult show in it's own right.

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