Something in the Rain
Something in the Rain
TV-MA | 30 March 2018 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I was really enjoying this one until the last 2 episodes then after a very slow build up suddenly everything that was going on was rushed to conclusion with barely a few lines. First, the big break up was so flat. We got absolutely no glimpse of the aftermath other than a few tears and a panoramic view in which time lapsed about 3 years. It was confusing.Second; they went their seperate ways which I understand why she didn't want to go and he should have never signed up to leave like he did but jumping forward didn't give us the sense of separation when they met again at her brothers wedding. It was all ackward. We find out he never got over her but she was dating even though she still had feelings for him. We find out how he held up during a conversation with his friend and she tells us how she suffered in a few lines she yelled at him. It just didn't have impact and felt like a quarrel instead of an intense break up. It was flat. Then she quits her job. All that build up to the sexual harassment case and on the last day of work we find out in on line that she won in court. Very anti climatic. So she moves across the country to start over because apparently being in the same vicinity of her ex was to much to bear. He's talking about moving to the States permanently because it's to much to bear. I would have been satisfied if it ended that way. Disappointed but satisfied. No they show her living away with her friend and she pretends to be okay. Aa he's packing he hears her recorded message from 3 years ago and decides to look for her. Am I supposed to believe he hasn't either listened to or deleted it by now? So he goes to find her but she moved. One phone call to her brother and he's on the way. It lacks the suspense it was going for. So he shows up with a lame excuse and eventually apologizes. She's playing confused but ultimately they end up kissing in the rain. We end with them frockling on some rocks back together. It just feels unfinished to me. They rushed all the plot points at the end which killed any dramatic effect they were going for. It was a great story up until then. I was really enjoying it but the last two episodes killed it for me. I could think of 20 different ways it could have been done better that would have been satisiying.

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    This was my first time watching Korean drama and I loved the show. I started watching the show just to watch something different and romantic but I had no idea it would be so addicting. I loved how realistic and believable Jina and Jinhui's relationship was...I also liked the office plot around the problems Jina faced in and how she dealt with them. Like another review said, the theme song was kind of an overkill and I wished they used other songs throughout the show. I also didn't like the finale as much, as I thought it was a bit slow. Overall, the show was very absorbing and I watched it till the very end without getting bored and distracted. Recommend the show if you are looking for a romantic fix :)

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    This is a very modern story compared to many - the family conflicts, work situations and conflicts between society and the relationships are all up to date. The cast do a very good job of making their feelings believable as the characters even during the moments of emotional whiplash from events. and the central characters are very easy to relate to. My sole quibble killing a "10" is that many shows use a few songs repeatedly as a theme for given types of moment, but this one really does it to overkill level - I wasn't a great fan of "stand by your man" to start with and after hearing it multiple times episode after episode, by the time I got to episode 12 I was repeatedly distracted from the show itself by crying "stoooooooop" when that song started up yet again... and again... and again....

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    Well I though it was a beautiful love story again the Koreans know how to make a good drama, I think the acting is superb not just the main two but everyone.

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