TV-MA | 05 July 2017 (USA)

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    This show has no point. It is so mixed up and waste of time fo real it has alot of potential very very good story line but it is not being done properly. I only watched the first season and i would have to be on a ton of painkillers to watch it again. I know alot of worllk is putted into this very good actors but the producers need to do alot better.

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    When a show hold my attention from the first episode, Snowfall did it.

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    The Couchpotatoes

    I just finished watching the first season, just binge watched it. I already can't wait for the next season to come and I hope there will be much more seasons like this one. The story looks like it is taken from real life, a life of a young black entrepeneur in dope dealing, a guy that wants it all the easy way. Damson Idris did a good job playing this character. Along his way trying to get rich he discovers that there are many risks to be taken. A good story about the start of crack, the new drug then, a drug that will effect so many people badly over the next years. The cheap cocain for the poor people. A good story with unknown but good actors, good filming and soundtrack. What else could we ask more? Just many more seasons like this one.

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    To start off with I've decided to always mark a review that I do as 'contains spoiler'. How can you describe a show without some sort of spoiler and still tell a little bit of the story? Anyway I gave the whole season an 8 out of 10. It's a great show. When I first saw the previews for it I wasn't really interested in watching. I'm glad I changed my mind. The late 70's and all the 80's were pretty much party time for me. I did a few drugs just like everyone else. But I never heard of crack until years later. It was interesting to watch this show and get a look at how crack could have worked its way into American society. We all know the US government ran drugs to finance the Contras. Right or wrong gets a bit hazy when running empires, governments or sometimes ever a household or two. I'm not certain just how factual any even in this show is given the Hollywood propensity for bending fact to glorify/manipulate certain things. I know that our hero Franklin most likely would not have survived the first 3 or 4 episodes if it were real life. He took way too many chances. He had to know the bar owner Cissy Saint set him up early in the show. And yet he still did business with her. At least Franklin got a little 'get even' in the last show. I'm looking forward to next season.

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