Sleeper Cell
Sleeper Cell
TV-MA | 04 December 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Brave effort by Showtime. Provides insights into the militants and the Muslims who oppose them. Also touches on child prostitution in Mexico in one episode. Warning: Strong language and sex.A convincing effort by a cast of unknowns. Strong narrative and drama.The plot deals with the infiltration of a terrorist plot run by sleeper agents in the United States. The would-be terrorists are malcontents with delusional world views. The show does highlight their hard and soft moments as they seek immortality..The FBI undercover agent has difficult moments. Protecting his identity while keeping his sanity. Killing a fellow member of the cell. Being prodded by his handler to penetrate deeper into the terrorist network.This show is far superior to NCIS and The Closer. I would recommend this series.

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    Maybe I'm jaded since I saw Homeland before I saw this badly acted, poorly written attempt at PC schlock, which seeks to always underscore that the religion of Islam is not the root cause of any violence...just a bad interpretation of it. They accomplish this by repeating the "warm fuzzy" parts of the Qur'an through the "good" Muslim lead character, but fail to mention that Muslims have been warring since the time of the founder of their religion, and conquered all of North Africa, much of Southern/Eastern Europe and the middle east through violence; the SAME violence happening today, only Western technology has finally trumped Islamic theology. Just bad. Watch a Mohammedan propaganda youtube video for the same level/amount of believability.

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    This show is amazing. You have no idea what is going on, why, or how. It keeps you on your toes and makes you say "maybe I should watch just one more episode" till 6 A.M. in the morning... Heck, I'm writing a review after watching 5 back-to-back episodes. I have class tomorrow, but I don't care.You see the struggles that these Muslims have every day... You have your devout Muslim who refuses to drink, a "liberal" extremist Muslim who gets drunk to watch a soccer game, and the head of the Sleeper Cell who bends the rules for his image of "righteousness".Watch the show, you'll be hooked.Your welcome.10/10

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    stevie jones (movydude)

    Sleeper Cell is what 24 should have been. 24 is a cartoon. (I watch 24 but feel cheated with every stupid episode, all four or five seasons so far. Who can keep track as they are all the same. Jack gets in trouble, Jack gets out of trouble and then immediately gets back in to trouble and then...) Sleeper Cell is really well done and is far superior. Unfortunately they blew it with the ending in season two. I can think of a half dozen better endings off the top of my head that would have worked better for the writer's obvious goals and not been so contrived. Shame on the writers for wrecking what had been up to that ending a really good series.

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