Saved by the Bell: The New Class
Saved by the Bell: The New Class
| 11 September 1993 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    This show was certainly not as good as the original. As good as the original was, it lasted four years, which was appropriate given that most if not all high school students endure four years in high school. It did make some good attempts to be as good as the original, with the inclusion of Mr. Belding. However, I think it's kind of creepy that Screech would still be hanging around his alma mater so much. It's like he doesn't want to move on from his years at Bayside. Oh well, at least he adds a little bit of the original to this spin off. The reason why I'm giving it a seven is because it managed to last for seven seasons. Why? That is the billion dollar question.

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    "Saved by the Bell: The New Class" wore on and on for eight seasons and an amazing 143 Saturday morning episodes from 1993 through 2000. None of the students in the revolving door of Bayside High in California make much of an impression and we are left with old alums Dennis Haskins and Dustin Diamond trying to salvage any dignity the concept once had. Nothing is very successful though as the premise is old and tiring with past situations played out by lesser performers who may have careers as models, but not legitimate television actors and actresses. More proof that old ideas played out with new people is rarely successful in American television programming. Turkey (0 stars out of 5).

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    this show sucks. i dont know why anyone would waste their time trying to make a show that was even better than a great show. i have no clue why they went all the way to 2000. it should have lasted not even a year. it had the worst cast and kept changing them. i have no idea why they got screech back in it if he was in college at the time. anyway the show is terrbile. if anyone thinks this show is better than the original saved by the bell, i suggest you seek a theraipist or guidence counsiler.

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    Each Character in the first season of "Saved by the Bell: The New Class" was a parody of an original character as the original "Saved by the Bell". Scott Erikson was a parody of Zach. Barton "Weasel" Wyzell was a parody of Samuel "Screech" Powers, and so on. When Screech returned to the series, things started to go down, and so did ratings, until it became a complete waste of time. I like the original "Saved by the bell" better, even though it is not airing on Canadian Television, because nothing can be better than the original!

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