TV-Y7 | 10 September 1994 (USA)
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  • Season 4 : 2001 | 8 Episodes


    WOW, simply wow, this series manages to capture all of the feeling I had while I was trapped within a dark dungeon crawling around on the floor in search of a scrap of food to stay on the brink of life. Those Vietkong bastards held me in there for all 20 years of that goddamn war. I had only one thing on my mind that was able to keep me from going into complete madness, and that was that in just a few decades a show would appear on television that would take the world by storm. This show was REBOOT, and I found that after finally being able to witness the beauty of this show, the nightmares seemed to finally go away. Those visions of the children screaming as we dropped mustard gas all over their homes and families can no longer bother me.

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    Trey Mercartne

    "ReBoot" was a strange little show in many ways. The first ever entirely CGI-Series, it was incredibly ground-breaking at the time for this fact alone. But it wasn't just that which made "ReBoot" so original. The whole premise for the show is very geeky, which is probably why it's initial massive success surprised so many people. You have to figure there is something more this show is offering the viewer, and there definitely is.Obviously, the show is technically astounding for it's time. It's hard to appreciate just what amazing work the team behind "ReBoot" created with, by today's standards, very primitive tools. People often credit "Toy Story" as the first truly immersive CGI production, but "ReBoot" is the real ground breaker in this field. Apart from that, the characters created on this show are amazing. They have back story, character development, strong personality and have generally been incredibly well realised. Although quite basic in the first two seasons, the writing on "ReBoot" was very well developed by the Third and Fourth Seasons. It's certainly the best written Kids programme I've ever seen.It's a great shame that "ReBoot" isn't given more credit. It was truly technically groundbreaking, and in addition it was very well written and produced. One can only imagine at the talent and dedication of the team behind this truly charming television programming. The whole show was a risk and was TRULY original. If more programmes on Television (especially animated ones) were as classy, vivid, imaginative, inventive and generally impressive as "ReBoot" than the TV schedules would be a much more inspiring.

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    Reboot is truely unique. Not only was it the first CGI cartoon, it was also one of the first "kids programs" to actualy have proper plots, on going story lines and decent dialogue.Seasons 1 and 2 were good enough, have strong techical merity and are packed with original ideas.But Seasons 3+ is where the series really takes off. Clever storys, great action sequences, non-stop parodys and really is amazing.Some of the referances are obvious (Stargate, Blues Brothers,Gilbert and Suilvan) but others are subtle (are you being served).The charecters truely have depth to them, even the 'evil' ones. Particularly Season 4, which probably has one of the most unique nemisis's ever created.I could go on talking about it all day, but i wont.Simple watch it if its on!Especialy if its either of the TV movies that make up season 4.Deamon Rising (4.1-4.4) My Two bobs (4.5-4.8) Deamon Rising, v4.1-v4.4 is my personal favorate.

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    This TV show is exellent, I have seen almost every episode, and hope that they continue the unfinished "Daemon Rising" saga (I can dream, cant I?). Overall, I give it a 10 out of 10 and think that it is one of the best shows on television.

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