TV-14 | 11 January 1993 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Alexander Pezzano

    Now I was an 80's kid, I had tapes of old (and I mean old) matches and one of the most memorable ones but today, there's really nothing to care about about this crap! Let's look at the superstars John Cena: 2nd face of WWE, not popular, hates kids and everyone hates him Daniel Bryan: the face of WWE. Just because there's a heavily bearded man doesn't mean you have to like him because he waves his arms around saying YES YES YES! Ridiculous. Dolph Ziggler: show off Ryback: a steroid taker that looks like Goldberg in his 20s Triple H: not a wrestler and don't even get me started! And so on... The only good wrestlers were Mick folley Steve Austin Edge Bret hart Undertaker(he never wrestles now)I mean why the thongs did Austin came back, just to be in the attitude era.Now I know all these wrestlers got serious injures (especially Austin and edge)Last thing, u wanna know why all this happened?Cause they wanted it PGAlex

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    Since most of the big names such as The Rock and Stone Cold have left to pursue movie careers, WWE has now slowed down. Championship titles never change hands between Main Events and Most title matches end in disqualification (Where a title cannot change hands.) John Cena and Edge Fueds, DX and McMahon feuds are good, the Short Jeff Hardy and Nitro feud with Jeffs' view on Nitro's interviews were like "watching Paint Dry" was hilarious. If Raw was still was like it was in 2000-2002 with the "Invasion" this would be much better, since now its just Heel and Face wrestlers mostly talking, if they're lucky like The Spirit Squad and have 5 members, matches are easier to win, as long as the referee is distracted. Also, "Escorts" such as Nitro with Melina and Edge with Lita see the referee distracted while a normally disqualifying offense is created.

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    I've actually watched RAW and the WWE in general for a number of years now (on and off) and I have got to say this is probably one of the worst times in the WWE's history in my opinion. Where to start on the flaws on RAW, Smackdown, or any WWE entertainment.. Well first of all: the stories and plots have become quite ridiculous and clichéd over the last couple years. They're so boring now, I barely pay any attention to RAW whatsoever when it's on. If not only for the few good matches in the show. WWE continues their recent trend of misusing their talent in ways that have shocked and amazed me and most likely others as well. On RAW we have Edge as the constant champion/contender and John Cena obtaining title shots left and right no matter how washed up he is in his short wrestling career. Shawn Michaels and Triple H in an extremely lame and played-out nostalgic version of "DX" who do nothing but prank Mr. McMahon and beat up the Spirit Squad. Umaga, a near top-biller now, who is undefeated almost entirely by unknown wrestlers who may have wrestled 3 matches total.Smackdown had the champion as one, Rey Mysterio. Someone who weighs about 100 pounds less than any other heavyweight champion around and gained a lot of his championship support off the memory off the deceased Eddie Guerrero. Batista who is probably the most inexplicably popular "superstar" to ever grace a WWE ring. Not to mention the way the WWE has with misusing their female talent for "bikini water fights" and a ridiculous $250,000 diva search that basically states the only thing a female needs to get into the WWE is a pretty face. RAW, and the WWE in general is not how I remember it from even just a few years ago.

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    Here are the names of the diva search finalists who have appeared on raw & smackdown since july 10th 2006: JT Tinney (Herself) Rebecca DiPietro (herself) Amy Zidian (Herself) Milena Roucka (Herself) Jen England (Herself) Layla El (Herself) Maryse Ouelett (Herself) Erica Chevillar (Herself). Also I have watched Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story starring Vince Vaughn and I happen to notice that Candice Michelle & Jennifer England were list under the credits. They were listed under the cheerleaders spot in case anyone is wondering. I thought I'd pass that along and hope they get added to their filmography as being credited in the movie even if it was a small role for both of them. - Kevin Moberg

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