Mother Love
Mother Love
| 20 October 1989 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I am not a fan of horror movies, usually- and definitely do not like gratuitous "gore." But this British production got me. And it is Diana Rigg's performance that won me- and that "makes" the series work. It is a dazzling virtuoso performance. Diana Rigg embodies the character of H Vesey so masterfully- she had me feeling "zero at the bone" (Emily Dickinson, pardon me..). It was one of the most deliciously terrifying movie entertainments I've ever had the pleasure of shivering through. Like an intellectual roller-coaster: Rigg keeps upping the ante, her behavior ever more outrageous and demonic, a preposterous crescendo of horror. But the huge bonus.. is that, somehow, Ms Rigg also manges to be bleakly? black-ly? hilarious. So you are both holding your breath in abject fear and laughing despite yourself. How she does this is beyond me- because her character is truly monstrous. But there it is. Bravissimo Diana!

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    I was riveted to the television set for all 3 nights of the series. Not only was Diana Rigg's performance a tour de force, but the script itself was a true psychological thriller, beautifully written - I could actually believe there is a mother somewhere who could be so unhinged yet appear so normal. I did wonder about the author's own mother.The flashbacks to "Mother's" childhood provided an extra dimension without totally explaining her future behavior, which really worked for me - I find too much exposition can spoil the punchline.During the final half hour, no phone calls were answered, no trips were made to the frig, no cats were let out, no dogs were let in...I think you get the picture.

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    [email protected]

    I first saw this movie years ago and was at the edge of my seat. Each time I watch it, I still get a little's THAT good!It is a true psycho thriller! Diana Rigg gives an outstanding performance as she slowly allows you to see her "real" character. The other members of the cast give equally fine performances. I have only seen this movie on PBS stations in the USA. I have recommended this movie to many people and everyone agrees that it's a first rate thriller.

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    The first time I saw Mother Love, it was being rerun during the day. I came in on the new wife locked in the bomb shelter studio. I sat bored knowing they would find her in time. They always do. Wow. Was I wrong! SPOILER ALERT I made sure I watched it straight thru to the end and looked for it the next time it came on. From that point on, the naive trust this woman had in her family crumbled away, one by one, as she felt betrayed over and over, until finally all she had was her precious "Kitten", lying in a coma in a hospital bed. That one simple phone call could set the revelation into motion and have the daughter-in-law racing to the hospital like that while Helena was overcome with grief at her ultimate betrayal; her own son. When she yanked that tube out of his nose, . . . ! In that little time frame, Diana Rigg played this tightly wound woman falling to pieces. There was nowhere else for Helena to go but where we see her in the closing credits. The movie was billed as the Man from Uncle (David MacCallum) meets the woman from the Avengers, but it was all Diana's show. I wouldn't have believed bloody cookie treats could be so evil!The first time I caught it, her dialogue wasn't edited out and she spoke about her ex-husband like he was the devil incarnate. The second time the words were deleted as she referred to 'Vesey's w***** and Vesey's b*******'. A shame really as they were not in a hostile intimidating tone.I had it on tape for the longest time. Seriously to make you think about what you have, it would be ideal viewing for Mother's Day.

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