Meerkat Manor
Meerkat Manor
| 02 September 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I saw the preview about Merkat Manor and that was it! I always thought they were such delightful little critters even before that show was on Animal Planet. After the first show, I was hooked. The worst of my viewing was the night Flower died. Somehow, I was always in her corner every time she pulled her clan out of bad situations. I just wonder what happened to Zaphod, Daisy, Mozart, Wilson, Tosca, Youssarian and the rest of the Whiskers. It was kind of like being a cheering squad for a team for my family and me. I even got my sister and some co-workers hooked because I talked about them so much. My five and half-year old grandson nick-named me "Tosca." (Smile). I became rather partial toward the Whiskers.To Cambridge University, Sean Astin and the others, will there ever be another season for the Meerkats? If there will be, you will make me the happiest person in Charleston, South Carolina. That was an excellent series.

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    I have always been an animal lover but these meerkats stole my heart. Especially brave little Shakespeare. The editing and narrating are incredible. It pulls you in and you really start to care about these little is they are are somebody you know. Kudos to Aminal Planet for bringing wildlife in Africa into the American home. This series touched me so much that I was compelled to donate to Fellow Earthlings' Wildlife Center. This center revolves around taking care of Meerkats. After watching this series I hope that you will contribute too.These little meerkats are really incredible. Their social order is almost human. They have the dominate female who rules all (and what a perfect world that would be :-), babysitters who watch their young, and they don't mate with anyone related to them (please tell me how they know that). I urge you to watch this series and I promise, you will will fall in love with meerkats too.

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    Well i watched it from 1st episode...every Friday i was waiting for new part of great life of those little creatures.. Recording quality is GREAT.. The narration is GREAT ...characters are 12 inches high You will get to know each individual character as intimately as any human soap star but here the relationships, births, deaths and conflicts are for real. It is the best documentary movie i saw.. So Click on animals planet and watch it I'm waiting for DVD to get it ASAP. Thw whole show is just HILARIOUS !!! Hight quality entertainment.. lots of action..Meerkats running around fighting for their territory, food.. Main Characters : And EVERYONE GET READY THEY ARE COMING BACK TO ANIMAL PLANET September 29th SO GET READY FOR ACTION !!!!

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    Oh my god. This show is just hysterical...Those meerkats are just so animated! I love how they run, rub themselves against stuff to mark their territory...If you are looking for quality entertainment, screw E!'s Top 100 Juciest Breakups, watch Meerkat Manor. The narration is GREAT (Sean Astin! Yeah!) and the filming is fantastic. It, of course, incorporates even the meerkats with social problems (I was half expecting the next meerkat to be a drunk.) The greatest thing is how they all move together and how the "rivals" test each other. Ialmost want to insert trumpets when they stampede the offending group, back ends kicking up. And when they is just HILARIOUS. Their tails straight up in the air, bobbing above everything else. And how they climb on everything is beyond amusing. The overall cuteness and intense hilarity of this show will definitely draw you I'm.

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