Loose Women
Loose Women
| 06 September 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    This show is really tripe! To generate the over the top laughter and even more annoying whooping a flunky stands to the side of the audience and waves at them to mindlessly laugh and whoop at every sentence from the latest selection from brain of Britain(failed)celebs. Although basically moronic the show might be approaching interesting but with all the US stile whooping my instinct is to kick my TV screen in. However I am forced to keep my TV on for the duration as my wife having been to the show and seeing the fake flunky in action seems to find the rubbish offered interested Get this rubbish off the air! Viewing a test card for an hour would be better viewing and a quieter with superior i quality

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    Now this has no intention of upsetting any of those who like this show, but I don't like it. It isn't because I hate any of the women or anything but I don't like the format. I do admit I am the sort of person who does find daytime TV bland, with the exception of the educational children's programmes I used to watch. I will give credit though and say that it is not as bad as some of the confrontational shows airing, and I like Denise Welch and Jane McDonald, but this is quite faint praise. Firstly, I don't like the layout of the show. I like a show that talks about current affairs, life in general and several issues that are worth discussing but it is the way the women interact that bothers me. They talk over one another and contradict each other, and maybe I am being a killjoy but I find that incredibly rude. Secondly, is it just me or does anybody else find the audience incredibly annoying? I know Jeremy Kyle, Maury and Jerry Springer have annoying audiences who prejudge and swear at the guests, but the audience is like being present in a very loud audience for an entertainment show like American Idol or The X Factor. Thirdly, while I like Denise and Jane who both have likable and big personalities, I am starting to find Colleen bland and I have never liked Carol, though I can't put my finger on why that is. Fourthly, the pacing, very uneven at times, there are parts when it drags. Fifthly, I don't like the theme tune of the show, I find it somewhat generic. Sixthly, some of the guests, Kaye Adams was bossy and annoying, there was a man who has a prejudice against "fat people"(I wish people would stop going on about weight, I mean it is important to be healthy, but judging someone by their height, weight and looks rather than their talents and achievements is becoming a tired out cliché), and Lesley Garrett is a lovely singer and has an exuberant personality but she was far too nice for this show. Overall, I don't like it, quite frankly I find it bland and boring. Sorry! 3/10 Bethany Cox

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    Loose Women is insipid cheap ITV fare. A bunch of haggard Z-list celebs in the over-40 bracket who cannot even get work on soaps or reality shows sit around and moan about how they're not beautiful any more and how crap their lives are. They want to be the forum for women in this country, but they seem to spend more time bitching about other women than anything else.They had some jackass on the show today who's gone to the trouble of writing a book on how much he hates fat people. A moron who admits he lived in LA for a while explains his obsession with other people's weight and in oppressing them with his hate. He's no brain of his own and wants to be loved and accepted by the people he wishes he were. Anything that threatens that you fear and so hate. You hate fat because you fear it, it's that simple. They're an easy target. No researched debate on this issue, on the claims that obese people look terrible, eat nothing but fast food and cost him, the taxpayer, money by using up all the money from the NHS, NO!!! Nothing about how smokers, drug abusers and people who come here purely to abuse the NHS system and go home to the middle east or beyond (I've known people who've admitted to doing this).I'm one of these "fat" people and the last time I went to hospital was 8 years ago for a fracture. Nothing to do with fat! I've seen my GP twice this year - to get allergy tablets and for moles. Neither fat-induced. I have no health issues because I don't smoke or do drugs. I eat a lot and some of the wrong things but eat a varied diet. I have fast food maybe once a week, but my job means that I get what I'm given or have nothing. Even so, what business is it of ANYONE else's? What infuriated me though, is not this idiot, but the support it received from this panel of self-obsessed and self-righteous bitches. Apart from the damage this does to accept of fat people even less, they've thrown their own fear and hate venom in! By media terms these women are over the hill, ugly and useless. They're comfortable at bitching about their industry colleagues who are successful, working and/or looked up to. They do it all the time. They're not getting any younger, they're in an industry where women are judged, every inch. Aware of their disappearing youths, that their best is behind them, they know they're lucky to have this job where the unemployed/unemployable just might value their opinions. Not wanting to risk losing that job or getting another, they'd rather not have a "different" opinion - so basically they just pretend to be radical and speak for all women. So, sheep-like, they too are obsessed with their looks (not that obsessed, judging by their faces, wrinkles and clothes). Being relatively slim is all they've got. No wonder they're venomous toward fat people too, why not? What if I went on their spouting about homosexuality is immoral, depraved and insane? Or that anorexics are self-obsessed victims who just need to eat something? What if I said society is fallen because black people are barbarians who never graduated from the jungle (btw I've never seen a black presenter on there).It wouldn't happen, of course, because these opinions are out-dated and stupid.They harped on about how it's the individual's responsibility and that people should make an effort to lose weight. I agree. I say we all go out for a walk or to the gym when this piffle is on.The hypocrites they are, they talked about giving up smoking and how they hate being told not to...This is a person whose eventual cancer will cost the NHS (probably has already), and not just her but passive smokers around her. She has children who see her smoke, teaching them that it's okay - even though she tells them it's terrible. They'll suck off the NHS too. Hypocrite, hate-mongerer, NHS-abuser and a bad parent too.Even if my weight did mean I take money from the NHS - I PAID INTO IT YOU IDIOT!! This programme is a daily bitch to find someone they can look down upon and be disgusted by, to make themselves feel better. They think they are better than their audience and represent them. They don't.Perhaps then I'm too fat to watch the programme and I would encourage anyone else who doesn't fit into a size 12 not to watch. God forbid it's catching...

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    This programme is all about a bunch of women who cannot find anything better to do than gossip for an hour about nothing interesting at all.The studio audience seem to have been pumped full of laughing gas as they explode into laughter when anyone says anything. Carol McGiffin who on one hand takes every opportunity to slag off her ex-husband (luckily 'ex' for him, Chris Evans) obviously forgets that the only reason anyone at all knows her from Adam is the fact that she was once married to the poor sod.The rest of the show is a hotch potch of sad people who must thank God every morning there is someone crazy enough to pay them for this codswallop.

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