Blue Bloods
Blue Bloods
TV-14 | 24 September 2010 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Just watched several episodes of Blue Bloods and I really like the Erin Reagan character. However, in those episodes I counted multiple misuses by her character of indefinite articles such as "Send a ambulance.", "This is a epic problem" and so on. I know I'm being picky but as her character is clearly an educated woman, I'm surprised a director hasn't corrected this.

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    ***may contain spoilers******warning - reviewed by a analytical mind. if logic means nothing to you this review might not be helpful. (yes, sometimes it is OK to suspend logic such as core elements like superheroes or space/time travel but the basics?)*** the title says it all but I felt compelled to give it some added ranking power for the enjoyment it has provided me.this will probably be one of my shortest reviews as I feel this show can be summed up easily. this show has very likeable characters, mostly entertaining stories, with QUITE a bit of hypocrisy from episode to episode. also I don't find the actually police procedures in certain situations to be believable at all. I think NYPD Blue did a much better job. basically this show is like a guilty pleasure of sorts. even despite it's illogical nature at times you get entertainment out of it. in my opinion this greatly derives from the likable characters who you just want to know their stories and are interested in what is next for them.I always like to give plenty of information so this review is from someone watching mainly the syndication episodes. believe I am missing the first two or three seasons but have watched many of the latest 4 seasons back to back to back so the episodes that contradict others stand out like sore thumbs. also seen much of which ever season aired in '12 & '13. I will say the bleeding heart from Jamie and dumbness of the Erin's daughter gets a little old, possibly accented by watching episodes so close. then there is the characters that you know should get together but don't which gets old. really enjoyed the PC getting a love interest even if she was younger then squashed. booo. (heck, get Henry a love interest to) and the PC's admin really could use some story herself. even a flashback old episode to show what landed her such a prestigious job or got her the PC's recognition. or include her more when he's out and about, not the star trek red shirt in the background dudes. think that about covers it. I did hit on the point that many of the "police decisions" don't seem logical, believable, like probable police procedure, or even follow common sense right? I mean there are scenes where they literally leave out common info that anyone would put forward. example, the episode where the cops were mad at the female officer for testifying in the grand jury? the episode insinuates they're mad because they think she's the reason the officer got canned. hello? none of them would have asked the guy himself if the grand jury came out in his favor or not? to which he would have said they did because why not? he was fired? which would lead a logical person who doesn't know the female officer's testimony to the grand jury to believe she backed her partner up which would then lead to them asking why he was fired then? then the grape vine would do the rest. I mean they ARE supposed to be fake police officers right? basic 101 investigation eh?anyways, I give it to CBS. definitely a show worth watching simply for the characters if nothing else. also, not that anyone probably doesn't know but the family dinner scenes are just great! the whole dynamic just works and is fun to be the fly on the wall so to speak.

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    This is starting to annoy me. WHY does the show seems to have a major hickup. Two episodes, 3 weeks away from screen, 3 episodes-two weeks away from screen, at least it seems like that. Does the creators make new episodes "on the fly" atm?

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    I really enjoy this show and look forward to watching it every week. We have the Dish Network and with their prime time recording the show always gets recorded. I was put out in one of the most recent episodes to see Woopie Goldberg in the show. I absolutely dislike her and hope that this was a once and only once appearance for her. Thank you for a very good show.

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