Law & Order: LA
Law & Order: LA
TV-14 | 29 September 2010 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Law and Order-Don't Believe Law and Order Occulies- TV Lies - seek and you will find the real Occupy - there's an occupy in your town- All Day All Week Occupy All Streets! Remember Police Brutality really happens-This is not a TV show: Police Brutality against Non violent peaceful citizens standing up for Freedom we will not be beaten down- Law and Order tries to mock occupy - Occupy is REAL- The call for real change, transparency,accountability,and justice for the 99 is real! We are renewing the meaning of freedom and the constitution- join us- Occupy and protect the Bill of Rights: The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

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    Every Law & Order fan waited for the new franchise, many of us willing to give it time, yet, it is missing the basic elements that make us watch Law & Order re-runs. Cops, prosecutors, defense attorneys, defendants and an environment that is a character as well. Actors, unknown to most of us, who later in life become stars, like Melissa Leo. Slowly, we become attached to the cops and their partner relationship. The prosecutor, we all loved Sam Waterson, his conflict with his blue collar roots, watching the struggle with values and the law as he prosecutes. These unfolded over time. But all of the characters stood in snow, in rain, they sweat in heat... struggled with the environment of urban living, crammed into small work spaces and that was essential to the formula of Law & Order. People were not pretty; they were interesting or funny, but not slick. As much as everyone wants to defend Hollywood and LA, it is not urban; it is suburban. The buildings, the streets, the weather. It's a young city and it's an industry city. Everyone is too pretty, too clean, too smooth. I hope the franchise survives; I hope it returns to its roots, to head to an urban environment with history, weather, its "run and gun" feel, gritty, interesting actors, and gives us both Law and Order.

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    Carl Foley

    I'vde noticed most reviews here are not kind. They whine about no theme song or opening credits. They complain about bad chemistry & story and say its just another Hollywood show. They say that this is not real L&O. I say shame on them. Yes, the opening dialouge is gone and I miss it but it doesn't ruin the show. Yes..., the theme is gone, but I actually love how they play the most recognizable notes of the song in a ghostly manner as the new logo comes onto screen. As for the stories, there's only one to judge so far but I liked it. Ya, it had the Hopllywood to it, but the producers have said not every episode will be Hollywood focused like this weeks. As for the actors, they are great! The detectives have great chemistry and the same is said for the DA's. To sum this up: The show is well written, acted, and laid out. I hope that this show does run for many years and doesn't suffer the fate of the equally good Law & Order: Trial By Jury. Yes, it's never going to replace the mother ship that NBC shouldn't of canceled (I cried when they did), but I feel as time goes on the show which has started out great will get better and better. I hope everyone else will give the show a chance. From just one episode I have to agree with USA Today's assessment when they said "What you get from LA is a show that's as solid and reliable as a well-built sedan. You know, the kind that keeps running for 20 years."

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    i watched it and it just felt to bright and upbeat for a law and order show. the order of half cop/court was there but it just didn't feel right. they had a dramatic courtroom moment and I expected that dark suspense music when someone gets caught in a lie like the other series did but it was different. even the title sequence was a turnoff. as soon as a saw it and especially heard it, it was just different. that stuff is still a law and order signature, no matter where the show is, its just expected. everything was just to bright. it also feels like you can't relate with whats happening since it is so upscale and celebrity based. most of us can't relate with people getting murdered but just the way it works is more relate-able. somewhat good attempt at expanding but really needs work.

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