TV-G | 15 September 1977 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Parker Lewis

    It's kind of a coincidence that CHiPs debuted when Jerry Brown was Governor of California in the 70s, and the reboot movie was released earlier this year when Jerry Brown was, yes you guessed it, Governor of California again.Here the cops aren't corrupt and they really want to help out decent folk against corrupt electricity companies and other ne'er-do-wells who infest the Californian landscape.

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    Michelle Palmer

    The first season of CHiPs starts off great and ends even better. These two sexy men, blond haired-blue-eyed John and Mexican hotty Ponch aren't the only characters that make this show what it is. The other characters add to it. The good "Sarge" must be present to make this show what it is. Yep, adventure awaits us at every time on the streets of LA as those guys on motorcycles take to the streets to save lives and get the bad guys.Also in this season we see the beginnings of ponch's police career. The episodes have little mention of sex, little cursing, and a lot of adventure and comedy. It's just something you can watch with the entire family!

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    I happened to be born the same year this show came out. Everything that typified 70s TV shows was there. The big hairdos, the stilted dialogue, the bizarre music, and the thin plot-lines. The acting was second rate. Basically the show is a fictionalized account of two patrolman, Frank and Jon. Much of the situations are pretty repetitive and ridiculous. Either they are chasing down bad guys or are responding to calls of stranded motorist. There are a lot of intentionally and unintentionally funny scenes. I remember seeing an episode in which the the two officers pull over a large guy driving a tiny Honda for speeding. After being pulled over, the guy starts sabotaging his car in anger by tearing off the seats, hood, doors, steering wheel, and wheels! Overall the show is nostalgic fun.

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    CHiPs was a great action series. The car chase scenes were amazing, the music was outstanding...and the actors completed each other. Ponch and Jon were the best riding their bikes through the California Highways. If you´re on a bad day, watch CHiPs and you´ll feel better!

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