Kiss Me First
Kiss Me First
TV-MA | 02 April 2018 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I came here to watch an exciting and thrilling sci-fi TV show with a possible romance subplot. Instead, I found booooring, dull and very uninteresting show. Whenever anyone speaks is so... emotionless. I could look past bad animation if the characters would be intriguing, with a little bit more life in them. Instead, it feels like everyone here is really depressed. Would a little bit of humor sprinkled here and there and a spark of life kill someone? Just because the MC is an introvert it doesn't mean she needs to be boring (or dress like someone's grandma). I feel like this is pretty insulting to actual introverts. Gosh, that thing was just plain awful.

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    I though I found a great gem of SciFi that mixed Virtually Reality world with some suspense, but by the 3 episode it goes to s..t! The series Starts out as a story of a strange loner girl names Leila who is invited to a secret world in the a very popular VR game she plays. Here she meets a misfit set of players lead by a mysterious figure that feel not too unlike a cult leader. Soon she is sucked into this world which ends up consuming her life. Things start going dark, as they do, and Leila decides to save everyone in this cult and challenge the creator of this world. This is when things go from SciFi to Gothic thriller very fast. In great w first episodes The story switches from the VR world to Real Life often but by episode 3 it is mostly RL and things go south from there. Characters come in and leave without explanation. There is a chase and Leila struggles for her life all to save the life of this girl that she only just met! WHY?! Character motivation is very weak to say the least. You can kinda guess how it's going to end, but it takes soooo long to get there... and when we reach final episode we are presented with an ending that has so many loose ends it feels like it was written one one weekend. I still have questions about what exactly happened to her teacher? Who had kidnapped her exactly and why bring her to her home town? How does the creator of Zania witness the conversation without entering the VR world? Anyway, it's a really bad series even though it looked very promising.

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    Kiss Me First has completely knocked me out. The weaving of reality and VR into one conscientiousness is expertly done. Please inform if there will be another season. If not, that would be a shame.

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    I haven't read the book so maybe that's why I can't understand the low rating bc this show is fantastic!! Such a refreshing original idea that was done so well! Give this show a chance! You won't regret it! I can't wait for season 2!

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