Kenny Hotz's Triumph of the Will
Kenny Hotz's Triumph of the Will
| 22 July 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Jeremy King

    If could be a Kenny Hotz fan, or be a person interested in obscure news and stories and this hits on ALL LEVELS. From a trip and history lesson in France and over coming personal obstacles, to being dropped nude in the middle of the desert and finding your way out, to The dissection of why pork is so addictive and of course, eating human body parts. I think that Mr. Hotz is an absolute comedic genius. From Kenny vs Spenny, Testees and Triumph of the will among many movie projects, He is never afraid to push the limit and is always looking to deliver, and never fails! We need more people like him, hard working and determined. More Kenny Hotz projects please!

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    Joel Peterson

    Immature, infantile, scatological, and repulsive. These are just a few words that could be used to aptly describe one of the best television shows to ever come out of Canada, the controversial Kenny Vs. Spenny.Running for 86 episode, Kenny Vs. Spenny chronicled the antagonistic relationship between best friends Kenny Hotz and Spencer Rice as they faced off, week after week in competition against each other, with consistently humiliating results for the loser. (usually Spenny) In what was really a classic story of the struggle between good and evil, or in this case meek and clever, Kenny Hotz showed his conniving ways by consistently outsmarting his opponent, doing whatever what was necessary to come out on top in a truly Darwinian fashion of survival of the fittest.Even after the show was over though, Kenny Hotz remained a competitor, and in his new show Triumph of the Will, he continues to face a series of challenge - this time man vs. self - which put his wiliness and cunning to the ultimate test. From the stomach turning attempt to becoming a cannibal, to the heartwarming quest to find his mother love, Triumph of the Will is a much more intelligent and dynamic effort than his previous show, one with a lot of potential that will unfortunately be cut short before it has a chance to shine. Cable television is an unfortunate wasteland of airbrushed faces and pacifism, and shows like Triumph of the Will are a rarity which will be seen less and less as time goes on. Even Kennibal, the episode where Kenny attempts to eat all of the elements of the human body, is heavily censored through most available channels.Kenny Hotz proves once again that you can make a smart fart joke, that you can be both incredibly offensive yet heartwarming at the same time, and that you can make a television show that has brains as much as it has balls while being gut-wrenchingly funny all at the same time.

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    Kenny vs Spenny is my favorite TV show of all time, it's even better than South Park and Monty Python's Flying Circus. It ended last year and Kenny and Spenny started making their own separate shows and I was looking very much forward to especially Kenny's new show. Single White Spenny was worse than I had expected, it was horrible actually. My expectations for TOTW was very high and I actually wasn't disappointed. It's nothing like KvS, not as extreme and immature. It's still funny but this show will attract a lot of viewers who didn't like KvS. My brother disliked KvS but was enjoying TOTW when he watched it with me. The format is very different. TOTW starts off with Kenny explaining the challenge he has set up for himself for the episode. It has Kenny working sort of as a guerrilla reporter, the kind of reporter you would prefer over normal reporters, very politically incorrect but always sincere. I've seen four episodes so far, Vegas, Pig, Mom, Mosque. I think Pig was the worst, it dragged a bit too much, and Mosque was the best but both Vegas and Mom were really good as well. The crew is, I think, the same he worked with on KvS with Sebastian Cluer and others, and the shows is really neatly shot, very aesthetic. This is a one-of-a- kind show, don't miss it. Support Kenny as much as you can, we need him to keep making good shows for us.

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    Triumph of the Will is a more mature and a more evolved piece of programming. If you are looking for this show to be a Kenny only version of Kenny vs Spenny, you are looking in the wrong place. You should approach this show as more a documentary rather than a gross out, shock jockfest. With an open mind comes an appreciation of what Kenny Hotz is really trying to do with this show. It is something unlike any show out there and it is worth watching and appreciating. There are plenty of laughs, don't get me wrong, and if you are willing to open your mind to new experiences, Triumph of the Will will deliver on a level that you wouldn't normally expect.

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