Greenhouse Academy
Greenhouse Academy
TV-PG | 08 September 2017 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    My kids stumbled across this on Netflix and being a protective mom I'm always hesitant about whether it will be appropriate for my kids to watch. To my surprise, it not only had a good plot but it was clean! So hard to find these days. It's not full of sex and swearing. Just a few kisses here and there but that's it. Thanks for making a show that I could let me kids watch! Hope you enjoy it too!

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    The story line is cheesy. The acting and writing is iffy. But the lighting, set design all make for a light airy feel that works.I wrote a scathing review recently about how Hollywood makes anyone who is white or male or worst yet, a white male be the butt of jokes, the bad guy, and so on.The producers in this film got it diversity right. Good guys, bad guys come in all shapes, sizes and colors.

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    I found myself watching this show because the title seemed interesting as well as the back story. The Greenhouse Academy is filled mostly with students who don't view themselves higher than other people or special. Not really snobby or stuck up. After watching this show, those qualities throughout most of the students is something that I came to like. One thing I wanted to point out was the contrast between Haley and Alex with the rest of the student body. It allowed the viewers to get a different perspective of the school. I liked that perspective and it's a major reason why I continued to watch the show despite the mostly predictable story-line the show has.The more episodes I watched the more predictable the show became. Some of the conflicts and resolutions some of the characters made and had to resolve was a big part of it. One thing that helped me see how predictable the story-line was is one of the labels of the show being a "high school drama" in my opinion. I could tell this as I saw the relationships between Leo and Haley, Alex and Brooke, Daniel and Brooke, Sam and Jackie and Emma and Sam. I could easily pinpoint how ALMOST all of these relationships played out. However, I was thrown off of the predictable story-line during Episodes 11 and 12. Something I will get to soon.I want to reflect on some of the conflicts shown throughout the first season. One is the Dean and Emma. Emma, manipulated, decided to follow her dreams of attending the Greenhouse Academy despite knowing what she was really getting herself into. And this all backfired during the last 4 episodes of the season. The whole buildup was really interesting and I enjoyed that part of the show. Another conflict I wanted to talk about is the bigger picture that will probably shape the next season. This being the truth about Dr. Ryan's death. The way the show tackled this is another reason I continued to watch the show and will probably season the second season. Some characters were a part of the conflict. Even people who I didn't expect at all such as some of the students and faculty at Greenhouse. Both Emma and her relationship to the antagonists of the season are what kept me watching the show. Without them, I would have given a lower rating.Lastly, before I wrap up I do want to comment on the predictable story-line took a turn I did not expect in the last two episodes. I think it's important to note these two moments in the first season along with a spoiler warning. The first thing I wanted to mention was the fact that Leo girlfriend, Aspen, showed up out of nowhere. My jaw literally dropped. I did not expect it, but I'm glad it happened. Even though this conflict might be predictable, I have faith the writers might be able to muster something up in the second season. I look forward to seeing a triangle with Leo, Haley, and Aspen at the three points. The other moment I wanted I wanted to bring up was Dr. Ryan laying unconscious in a bed in the "cave" near a beach by Greenhouse Academy. This was another jaw-dropping moment and it threw me off. This is going to be another major pointer in season two, but Daniel's mom has control over all that, so it will be interesting and will definitely be a great support to the plot in season two. In conclusion, I liked the show and I like it enough to see season two based on how I was throw off after the last 2 episodes.

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    Was a Saturday Night, nothing to do, so I started watching this TV Series, to give a fair chance.So many clichés of High School Drama.They needed to create their own News Footage of something more modern than the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster as those that know what happened know that this was Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster Footage. And The first Space Shuttles built were built with a armored blast shield to protect the crew, there was also a Emergency Parachute Recovery System this was removed to reduce weight, so more cargo could be carried. It was very probable that had the Space Shuttle Challenger still had the crew compartment this way, that they would have survived instead of dying on impact being able to do nothing to save themselves.Real Leadership, no matter what the Civilian School is NOT taught to Civilians. Even some Nations fearing their Military Overthrowing their "Established Government" Military Academies do not teach Real Leadership, most of the "Leadership" taught at those Nations is all about Obeying Orders and Zero Initiative, with Initiative being a Key Trait to Leaders that Win while still retaining 100% Responsibility and 100% Accountability for their Command Decisions. So called "Team Work" is also not really taught at most Civilian Schools. This is evident from the belief that Sports equals "Team Work". This can easily be disproved by Professional Sports, in that One or Two Individuals are The Team, not the others, example "Star Quarterback" gets injured and that Team consistently loses. The only times that I have seen real Team Work and Leadership is in the U.S. Military's Special Warfare as there are routinely Life or Death Consequences for Failing Leadership and Team Work.The Greenhouse Academy is supposed to produce "Leaders" and supposedly has produced Politicians, Entrepreneurs and other prominent figures, this explains why the World is in such a mess, with so called "Leaders" and "Teams" that were not taught Real World Life Or Death Leadership and Team Work. There is a Reason Why NASA and other International Space Agencies usually only picks mostly U.S. Military as Astronauts, as the U.S. Military has instilled Discipline, Decision Making, Planning Processes, Team Work, Mission Success, and then put this to the Test in Real Life or Death Situations. Those that failed these Tests as Leaders and Team Members end up Dead or at the very least Psychologically Damaged, resort to Alcoholism, abuse of Prescription Medications or Illegal Drug Use. Civilian Leaders and Team Members, just go home afterward as there are no Life or Death Consequences for themselves.I shall watch the Original 2011 Ha-Hamama to make a fair assessment of this American Remake. This will also give me some insight to see what Israelis Culture might deem important. There have been so many American Remakes of other Nations TV Series and Movies, that were AWFUL, and completely missed the point of the Original Foreign TV Series and or Movie.

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