Dirty Sexy Money
Dirty Sexy Money
TV-PG | 26 September 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Please bring this show back Dirty Sexy Money. It was one of the best shows on ABC. Please, at the very least let us see the rest of the episodes and put on a special of the show if necessary to bring closure. You left us hanging in the air. It is a very intriguing, sophisticated show. you did not give this show a fair chance to prove itself. It came on at different times. if i did not have this show on for automatic recording i would have missed it. please bring it back to television. why don't you take a poll to see if enough people want it to come back. it is a whole lot better than most of the shows you have on now. it is more interesting than Desperate Houswives. Right now Mon. Tues. Fri. nights are dead totally. the best shows are Ugly Betty, Grey's,Brother's and Sisters, Private Practice and maybe The Deep End. Give it a try believe me it is worth a try! to bring it back. Thank you, Deb

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    Having watched the first half doven or so episodes of this show, it is fast becoming my favourite programme on television. Unsure of what to expect, the show mixes intelligent drama with a very sharp wit. It is in many ways remenicent of six feet under in this respect, and Peter Krauss' performance is as equally polished as his work on that. Perhaps the shows strongest feature is its beautifully developing characterisation of its main protagonists, each revealing themselves to have more depth than we are originally shown. The strong moral undertones of the show lend themselves well to family viewing, and leave the viewer feeling satisfied at the end of each show, which is nice when nearly every other drama deems it necessary to leave the viewer with a cliffhanger. This show simply relies of its strength of characters for its magnatism. Put simply, this is one of the best developing shows on television, which is too interesting for the glipse into the lives of the uber-wealthy it gives us.

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    I starting watching this show with the expectation that it would be driven only by it's star power and would leave little to the mind, however, that said - Dirty, Sexy, Money far exceeded my expectations. It is an intriguing drama with plots than only become more interesting at the season progresses. The Darling's are not a 1-Dimensional family - we get a balanced view of each family member's bizarre, twisted and occasionally desirable life styles with a plot that only becomes darker as the weaves of truth and deception spin their way onto our TV sets. Out of the many new shows that were aired this year, DSM is certainly one I would place up in the top 3. My final word? - this is definitely a show you want on your TiVo.

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    I really like this show. I think that it follows in the footsteps of desperate housewives and others before it as far as it being character-driven, engaging the audience in a great story, with a good blend of comedy and drama. Some of the previous comments have implied that we've seen this plot (or something similar to it before) and I couldn't disagree more -- I don't think that the story seems done. In my opinion, the story line is definitely creative and unique... much like housewives, greys, and heroes (my three favorites) I'm totally curious and entertained (and the point of TV is to entertain, after all!) Bottom line: I can't wait to see whats to come -- it's a breath of fresh air that TV has so desperately needed.

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