Curb Your Enthusiasm
Curb Your Enthusiasm
TV-MA | 15 October 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I am really shocked at the positive reviews, I think Larry David must have paid people to write them. Speaking of Larry David, the man is not a good actor and sees to think he is WAY funnier than he is. The only good thing about this show are the guest stars and even that is not a reason to keep watching. This is a show that should have never been made.

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    In the same spirit as Seinfeld that is about ´Nothing´, this show is about absolutely everything. it explores the details of everyday life in a very ironic way. Although it is said that there is no script and that the actors are asked to improvise, it never seems so as all seems so natural. The camera that is filiming each instant is revealing of the good chemistry in all the actors. If you liked Seinfeld, this is for you. if you like this and miss it, watch Seinfeld. If you have already watched both, well, curb your enthousiasm!

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    Curb Your Enthusiasm is in its 10th season of production, which is amazing when you consider Seinfeld only went nine. Larry David, like the self-centered-even-for-a-Seinfeld-sitcom George Costanza character, takes some getting used to, but he does things that most of us wish we would. Such as confront some jerk who parks in two public spaces. It is only a fictional sitcom, but David seems like he would do that in real life. Some episodes go too far even for this darker comedy. Bringing back Michael "Kramer" Richards to poke fun at his 2006 real-life racist rant was a new low, until David likely went lower by eating the last meal of a dying dog. All he and his manager had to do was buy the yogurt and bring it back for the dog. I didn't laugh when they ate the yogurt during an argument on the ride home and was caught doing so by an acquaintance; I merely wondered why they couldn't buy yogurt cups for them if they were hungry. It didn't work as comedy - making light of a dog dying rarely does. This is as much parody of society's excesses as any sitcom and does make you think of how the somewhat smaller nuisances in life can grow to become bigger problems. As pure entertainment, I prefer an Indiana Jones movie, but it makes me laugh in places. David is more mature than the Seinfeld characters, and he should be, being quite a bit older. But he still leaves me lacking many times.

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    Like Alan Partridge, which is a show from the UK (which pre-dates this) which is a similarly cynical grumpy older guy, but far far far less funny. At points it's superb, but overall it's only OK. Very watchable, but not brilliant.I would say American comedies aren't that great. They're put together by a team of 30+ people, whereas great British comedies, which are far superior are usually written in a closer knit team of 2-3. Case in point American office vs The Office, and this vs Alan Partridge. I've watched maybe two dozen episodes of this, so feel although I haven't seen them all, I have seen enough to comment. 4/10, watchable, but highly over-rated.

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