TV-MA | 02 November 2017 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Who was the man down the bridge from first episode?

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    The above title is a play of the words corrupt and interesting. Dark like the Scandinavian landscape during winter, its main characters tangled in a web of lies, deceit, greed and corruption. Its interesting catch lies in the aspects concerning his family and how the main character is trying to hide it from his partner. It is not as addicting as The Bridge original version but has a Jo Nesboesque feel to it. If you are new to the ScandiKrimi genre, this is a mild start for you.

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    It is slow moving and I am lost. Why is it so slow? Am I missing something? Where are the supposedly oblique opaque subtle clues? Last night I fell asleep numerous times watching episode 3. Why is the protagonist lowering himself deeper into the muck? I feel really bad about myself for not liking this series after episode 1 because I am a big fan of nordic noir mysteries and usually tell my wife what is going to happen long before it does because I am that good at deciphering plot devices and dramatic foreshadowing. I just don't like the protagonist. His portrayal is chaff in the wind. The female detective appears so far to be much more capable. He on the other hand doesn't seem to be able to get his act together. He just stands there and stares in the abyss, which is supposed to be of his own making, but really was destined to happen because of this brother's lies. So frustrating...... I am going to try to view the second half of episode 3 without falling into a coma as a consequence of my viewing despair. Good luck plowing through this. Are nordics always so calm and stoic? I prefer the Italian and Spanish mysteries wherein the actors actually emote.

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    It was a rather interesting show, I had picked to watch it because the description had sounded interesting and I enjoy Norwegian media. I was rather pleasantly surprised to find that the main character was actually gay. It is pretty rare for the sole main character to be gay in a show, when the show subject is not about being gay, so that was neat. I liked the aspect that it featured a normal mystery crime story with a gay character though him being gay was a very small detail, you could easily forget he was gay as it his interactions with his love interest are probably only 10 to 30 seconds of each episode. I sort of wished his interests character had somewhat more involvement in the show to see they perhaps work together but overall I felt it was a nice touch in showing a gay character in a normal context. Aside from that aspect the story had some depth to it and the situation gets ever complicated as things go on. Nikolai can never seem to get break which made me feel bad for him. It is true that some parts do seem a bit dull but there were some heart felt moments and some twists that made it grab your attention, and I always looked forward to seeing how love interest would show up and be incorporated.So Overall I rather enjoyed it and it was an interesting crime/mystery show with a hint of LGBT in there. If a second season of this was made I certainly would watch it and see how it develops further and hopefully improves.

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