Blood of the Vikings
Blood of the Vikings
| 04 December 2001 (USA)
  • 1
  • Reviews
    Seoirse Ó Duíc

    This BBC documentary is one of the best documentaries you'll ever see. It is very well researched, very well narrated and they are not afraid to explore some controversial theories. There are 6 episodes, but I'm sure they could have made 60 episodes if they would have had the budget. The documentary focuses on vikings in Britain and Ireland and details the story from the first written records on viking raids until the end of the viking age. A must see for anyone who is interested in the subject but wants facts and not sensationalist revisionist history. If you're used to History Channel documentaries you will probably miss all the fighting scenes with people dressed up as vikings, but are not very true to history. It goes into great detail and explains the history very clearly using facts as the basis. Everything is well referenced and researched but it is in no way boring or less entertaining.

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