Best Friends Whenever
Best Friends Whenever
TV-G | 26 June 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Honestly; I don't get what people are complaining about. This show is one of the best that Disney has now in my opinion! I'm 20 years old and never miss an episode of Best Friends Whenever! Growing up with Disney and seeing a lot of Disney shows I can defiantly say this show is one of the best. Sure at first it seems bland and boring; but if you keep watching there is a story line in each season and it's actually getting deeper and progressing more as it goes along! Each cast member is getting better with their acting and their character's and some of the plot holes are even getting filled in more as we go. Yes, this show has it's flaws; but honestly it's one of the better Disney shows. It's super friendly, family safe, kid safe, and it teaches kids that having a best friend and being a best friend is important and a good issue to understand. So don't hate the show, give it a try! It's silly; fun; fantasy and the situations they get into are dead on relatable.

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    This show is one of the most horrible Disney shows I've ever sat through in my entire life. It's not funny or entertaining in the slightest. It's incoherent, it's stupid, it's unoriginal, it's boring and OBNOXIOUS. It's a 6-year-old parody of The Big Bang Theory (which is a sitcom I really enjoy). Watching these characters feels like a form of psychological torment. Cyd and Shelby are annoying, Bret and Chet are painfully irritating brats, Barry is a smartass but the worst of all- NALDO. Naldo is just a non-funny, more annoying, smartass clone of Dez from Austin & Ally (Seriously, watch that instead. It's way better and won't make you want to slam your head against a brick wall). The guy aggravates me to the point where I just want to beat him until he's unconscious. On top of the painfully aggravating characters, the writing is lazy (Seriously were the writers drunk or something?) and it's a ripoff of Girl Meets World (which already was a deplorable show to begin with). Do I recommend this show? NO. It would be better to be in the stockade in the pouring rain than watch this show.

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    I'm tempted to give this a 10 just to offset all the people giving it a 1.I mean... a 1? Sorry. A 1 is not a rational reaction. That's saying this is the WORST thing you've ever seen. That's crazy. That's deep emotional trigger stuff.This is an upbeat, nice show about friends loving each other, solving various friend crises with honesty and compassion, and having silly adventures together. The over the top gag writing is clever and amusing. It certainly isn't bad, and CERTAINLY no worse than I've seen elsewhere. All in all, this show is well meaning and fun.Now.., WHY does that upset some people so much? Touched a nerve, did it? I think it did!I know several teen girls who really enjoy Best Friends Whenever, but if they read the reviews here might double think that. What an ugly thing to do. Because, heavens, we can't have young women absorbing positive messages about friendship. Girls are supposed to hate each other! Don't you know that? I think some of that negative advertising which saturates our culture, that horrid stuff which strives to make girls despise themselves and mistrust others, to not reach out to form nourishing bonds with others, has poisoned too many people here.If you're knee jerking into hating this sweet and friendly program, then maybe you need to pause long enough to examine WHY you're reacting that way!Seriously! What is WRONG with you??So, enjoy this fun little show. Ignore the trolls. Love your friends.

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    M Mart

    Seriously, a show about a blond and brunette best friends. Is this a joke Disney? The acting is bland, there is nothing special about any of the characters. Don't get me started on the special effects, seriously a white room where they were strapped, can you turn up that lighting anymore???? The jokes on this shows are lame and are no where near funny. And let's talk about the diversity in this show...exactly. None. Whoever let this show go to straight to a series instead of pilot most likely regrets it now considering how horrible this show turned out to be. Seriously Disney, can you do any worse? Oh wait...yeah you can with this show.

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