Zombies: The Beginning
Zombies: The Beginning
| 01 May 2007 (USA)
Zombies: The Beginning Trailers

A woman floating on a raft in the middle of the Pacific. She was found by a rescue team and taken ashore. Once there, she tells a story of how she escaped from an island full of zombies. She was persuaded to lead a commando unit to the island to explore.


This is stupid. I'm a big fan of zombie flicks, but this one is awful and stupid. Has Bruno lost his mind? I've seen ALIENS already, thank you, but this is total crap. Don't waste your time. Ignore it.I'd better watch Bruno's "Virus" aka "Hell Of The Livind Dead" - its more interesting and someone could name it "classic". Really, don't waste your time. Acting is awful, story is stolen from ALIENS, FX is awful. Even the dubbing can't help. This flick is made to steal your money if you're a horror flicks fan.At least you can laugh watching it. Just comparing the plots and dialogs. Take some beer with mates and try this one... is you have nothing to do else...

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You have got to check this film out- it's fekkin' hilarious !! No exaggeration! basically it's a budget version of ALIENS but with Zombies! And when i say 'version' - i mean complete rip off- so blatantly - it will crack you up- entire scenes and dialogue- performed so badly you'll wet yourself- and the dubbing adds an even funnier level to it all. Watch with friends and laugh your socks off!!! It's got the lot- bad dubbing- cheesy gore FX, and the Aliens storyline followed so closely that I'm surprised they weren't sued!! i really enjoyed it- for all the wrong reasons. A must "Watch with ya friends with some brews" movie-

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Mattei's final film is truly amazing. It is bizarre, disgusting, and incredibly cheesy. The plot is basically just the movie Aliens(1986), except with zombies as the enemy instead of the xenomorphs.The zombies have excellent makeup, they look much more like rotting corpses then much of Mattei's earlier work. The acting is hilariously terrible. Even though this was filmed in English, Mattei used the old Italian trick of dubbing all the dialog. This has predicable results, with the actors putting emphasis on the wrong syllables and words, and having far less emotion when delivering their lines. This helps the movie out tremendously ,however, as most dialogue scenes are chocked full of potential quotes for bad movie lovers.The gore is good, it is not as explicit as some of his previous movies but it is still very entertaining. The rest of the special effects are more laughable then anything else. But what do you expect from a Mattei production? All in all, its a great movie, filled with quotes and moments that exploitation fans will love. It is sad ,though, that such an entertaining filmmaker died before he got the respect he deserved. Ciao Bruno.

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Sharon, the only survivor of the explosion of the salvage ship Dark Star, is having a hard time with the insurance company in furnishing them with a satisfactory explanation about her accident. She tells the story of her horrible experience, but is considered crazy - no one believes her when she tells about the existence of living dead on an island that can't be found on any nautical map. About one year later... Barker, representative of an important pharmaceutical company, is the only one to believe Sharon, and as there is no news of a scientific crew sent six months earlier to capture some samples of those beings, he convinces her to join the rescue team and take part in the mission. Sharon and the rescue team arrive on the island armed and equipped like marines, and set forth to carry out their task. They reach what seems to be a lab, and discover diverse glass coffins containing horrible genetically-altered mutants, apparently dead. All of a sudden a woman with her belly torn open emerges from the vapours and attacks Barker, who is saved by the swift intervention of Taylor. Their detectors signal another moving presence... they find a baby boy-monster... they are able to destroy it with the help of a flame-thrower. When the members of the scientific crew are located, it is decided to go and recover them in order to leave the island. They come across remains of human fetuses. They battle against horrible creatures - the living-dead children of genetic mutations. Some of them fall prey to those monsters... They must leave the island, but the submarine won't be back for another ten days. An S.O.S. is sent. Truth comes to light: it is Barker who has the task of bringing back one of those creatures to his company... even at the cost of their lives. After escaping from the attack of a myriad of living-dead mutants, Taylor and Sharon discover something hellish: The Nest, where the female members of the scientific crew are used as incubators for those horrendous mutant children - a new generation of zombies. With their flame-thrower they burn all those little zombies. An explosion follows. Sharon manages to escape, but...

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